chapter three. | what happened?

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friday, 15:36
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(y/n) my fren
you've been hella down in the dumps
all week
vv worried 🥺
what happened bestie?

bestie? have you abandoned kenma?
for lil ol' me 🥺

kenma's my boyfie
my hubby
mah hubbby hubby 🥰

but kinda cute i guess?
what's up roo roo

1. that's a horrid nickname
never call me that again
2. don't dodge the question
and 3. the sky :P

roo roo

kuroo's name has been updated.

roo roo
you didn't
you did
you fucker

(Y/N)'s name has been updated

poopoo pants
that's the best you could come up with?

roo roo
just stop dodging the question poopoo pants

poopoo pants
what question

roo roo
don't play dumb
if you don't want to answer the question
that sucks because as your friend
it's my duty to pry and butt in on
every aspect of your life 😌

poopoo pants
okay creepy
but fine you win
i just had a bit of a falling out
with an old friend
it's nothing
and i'll get over it

roo roo
you'll get over it?
are you not gonna try to fix whatever happened?
surely it can't be too bad
i mean
you're (y/n)
i haven't seen you fight with anyone

poopoo pants
i don't think
what happened is something
that can really be fixed
it was pretty bad hahahahahaha

roo roo
everything can be fixed
if you try hard enough
fr it can't be that bad

poopoo pants
that logic is deeply flawed
but thanks for caring roo roo

roo roo
like i said
it's my duty to pry and butt in on
every aspect of your life whether you like it or not
care :))

poopoo pants
still creepy

roo roo
what was the fight about tho
if it was rly that bad

poopoo pants
don't push it roo roo

roo roo
tell me what's going on D:
i just wanna help

poopoo pants
bye kuroo

roo roo
uh oh
you stopped calling me roo roo
i'd be happy but i feel like this means i'm in trouble
are you still here?
oh boy

patching things up | miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now