chapter thirteen. | trust me you scumbag.

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friday, 11:21
3 new messages

roo roo
alright (y/n)
listen tf up 👏
here's what you're gonna do

poopoo pants
focus on class smfh

roo roo
no shut up
don't be a hypocrite
you're not paying attention either

poopoo pants
yeah well
okay fine whatever
what exactly am i gonna do?

roo roo
😌 talk to your boyfriend durh

pog champ
my what now

roo roo
future boyfriend?
i have come to the conclusion that miya atsumu boned you

poopoo pants
kenma told you didn't he

roo roo
i overheard you two talking and made an assumption from the snippet of conversation i heard

poopoo pants

roo roo
okay he told me
only because i am a wise sage and he knows i give great advice

poopoo pants
a wise sage who's worst insult is poopoo pants

roo roo
ma'am i am offering help
just trust me you scumbag

poopoo pants
fine impart your wisdom upon me mr. roo roo sir

roo roo
i will ignore the obvious sarcasm in that message and inSTEAD FOCUS ON THE POSITIVES!!!
so 🙏 my dear friend
you're going back to your mom's tomorrow right?
so you're gonna talk to him then
and make up
and then make out :)

poopoo pants
okay 1. perv that's extremely gross i will not make out with him
2. that's actually fairly decent advice, again minus the make out with him part
3. only one problem with that i completely panicked and told my mom i wanted to stay here this weekend SO

roo roo
okay well then just
tell her you changed your mind?

poopoo pants
well i can't do that because
i made up some stupid lie about
spending the night at a friends place

roo roo
tell her that your friend got sick

poopoo pants
but i told her it was multiple friends

roo roo
okay stop making up bs reasons as to why you can't go
do you not want to?

poopoo pants
ofc i do

roo roo
press x to doubt

poopoo pants
okay fine ig i don't

roo roo
and why not

poopoo pants

roo roo
okay okay
are you nervous to see him again?

poopoo pants
i guess yeah

roo roo
and why's that

poopoo pants
idk i just feel like things are gonna be awkward between us

roo roo
that's it
you don't want to go because you're afraid of awkwardness 😌

poopoo pants
what the fuck

roo roo
my brain
it is majestical

poopoo pants
not the word i would use
but yeah your right
any wise sage majestical words of advice on how to overcome awkwardness and/or fear of awkwardness

roo roo
just don't be awkward

poopoo pants
okay that last piece of advice was useless
but everything else was actually
thank you roo roo

roo roo
i am great at advice

poopoo pants
the best


friday, 16:32
no new messages

hey mom
i know this is kinda
sudden and stuff but my friends canceled
so uhm
would it be okay if i did come tomorrow?

of course!
so does that mean you want to do the camping thing with the twins then?

oh uh
i'd rather not do that

hmm? okay...
is everything alright, sweetie?

yeah everything's fine
thanks mom
love you :)

love you too !
see you tomorrow :)

patching things up | miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now