chapter eight. | just talk

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tuesday, 11:12
1 new message.

mr. kita roboto
hello, (y/n).

sup kita

mr. kita roboto
i wanted to talk to you.
i know it's not quite my place, however atsumu seems quite distraught over your whole situation and i would like to try to help the two of you make amends.

i see
well thank you for being concerned but
i don't really think this is fixable

mr. kita roboto
i'm sure if you just talk to him, this can all be resolved.

yeah y'know people keep saying that
but you don't get it
this really isn't something that can be fixed
even if it is fixed it's gonna just
i'm not ready for that kind of awkwardness

mr. kita roboto
well if you think that, i feel like this is about more than just an argument.
what really happened?
if you don't want to tell me, that's understandable.

yeah i'd rather not
again thank you for your concern
but i
don't really think i can do anything
he'll get over it and so will i

mr. kita roboto
you and i both know he won't.
you're just hurting him and yourself by ignoring the issue instead of at least trying to fix it.

maybe you're right
but i don't really think i'm
i don't think i can

mr. kita roboto
take you're time then.
just talk to him sometime before next year. you can't avoid it forever.

yeah you're right
thank you kita

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