chapter seven. | how am i going to survive without you?

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1 year ago
friday, 15:46
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why did i have to hear from kita
that you were moving schools

i'm sorry
i don't want to
but my dad's moving to tokyo
and i'm going with him
i'll come back here for the weekends
i just
i couldn't bring myself
to tell you
i didn't really want to accept it
i'm gonna miss osamu
... and you i guess

how the hell am i going to survive without you?
osamu is going to kick my ass
bc you won't be there to stop him
really going to miss you
promise to

i'm not moving out of the country tsumu smh
i'll still see you regularly
just not as regularly
i'm gonna miss you a lot too

(Y/N) has started a call

why call
just come over

i don't want you to see me crying

tsumie has joined the call

"(Y/N)? oh god, you really are- (Y/N), stop cryin' will ya?"

"i-i can't help it."

"hey- just calm down, baby doll. we'll still see each other right?"

"i don't want to move! we've been going to the same school for forever. i mean i knew we were probably gonna end up at different colleges and stuff i'm obviously much smarter than you, but i didn't want to leave you guys so soon. i didn't want to leave- oh fuck i'm crying again."

"chill out crybaby. it's- it's gonna be okay."

"was that a sniffle? are you crying? oh my god."

"says the motherfucker who is literally talking through sobs right now. i don't even need the damn phone to hear your crying."

"i hate you."

"no you don't."

"no i don't."

"you, uhm, you sure you don't want to come over?"

"fine. o-only because you're crying and- and- oh whatever, i'll be there in five minutes."

(Y/N) has left the call.

patching things up | miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now