TGND|Star (May 5,2020)

108 5 2

C h a p t e r  T h i r t y - S i x -
D a t e

Sorry for the sluggish update.

12 chapters left! 🎉

"Hey," I grin, my insides were aching from smiling too much. He replies with a grin and checks me from head to toe. "You look nice."

I countered back, seeing his hair slicked upwards as he wore a red shirt marked with words "taken" complimented with his black leather jacket; on his bottom were jeans and sneakers. "You look nice too."

"That's very creative of you, Star," he says sarcastically and I nudge him with my elbow.

My mother suddenly hovers from behind me and I let out a faint squeal when she clasps on my shoulder. What is it with people always scaring the shiz out of me?

My mother speaks. "Please take care of my stupid daughter."

I glare at her and Marco only smiles. "I will."

Mother gives me a small push, letting out a faint smile. "Have fun kiddo."

. . .

"Didn't take you for an amusement park type of guy," I teasingly say, nudging him softly by the sides. He snakes his arm around me and pulls me close to him. "I thought you might like it. I mean we haven't been going on dates."

I nod, then my eyes caught sight of the delicious sweet treat. "Hey Marco."

He glances at me over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

I pointed to the stall with delight. "I want some cotton candy."

He chuckles heartily, narrowing his eyes at me playfully. "Seriously? Are you five?"

I pout. "Well who cares! Cotton candy is delicious and I know you do."

"Okay lil kiddo," he teased, following me obediently as I head towards the stall with delight.

"You want one?" I turned around at him whilst I watch the cotton candy made in the process. He shakes his head. "I'll  just share with you."

"And who told you I was going to share?"

He doesn't say anything and I smile as I was handed the purple cotton candy. I put it close to him, nudging it slightly. "Here. Take a bite."

He pauses for a second before leaning in and taking large bite that made the cotton candy half its size. I frowned. "That was a big bite!"

He grinned, his tongue turning purple. "I'm a  big boy."

I glared at him and ate my cotton candy in silence as I roamed my eyes towards the couples and families hanging around the amusement park.

Once I finished, I threw it by the trash can and wiped down my fingers with the wet wipes I brought. "Shall we go to the horror house?"

"Aren't you going to be scared?" he looks at me and I just huff, crossing my arms. "I'm not scared."

He pats my head softly. "Don't come clinging to me if you get scared, okay?"


. . .

The horror house was kinda fun. I mean surely the people behind the production did their best with their costumes and acting. I walked in awe whilst we tried to find the exit and when we did I was parched.

"I thought you would scream and hug me tight," Marco says a little hopeful. I grinned. "I told you I wasn't scared."

"The sun's setting," I say, glancing by the skies. He also looks up and nods. "I guess it's about time to head home."

I tugged the hem of his jacket. "Can we go ride the ferris wheel?"

"I guess," he follows me as we waited for awhile and when it was our turn we head inside and watch in awe as we were up high in slow motion.

I could see the clear view of the park by this angle. Different lights and colours were present as they shone below us. "Star."

I turn to face Marco. "Yeah?"

He scratches the nape of his neck. "Thank you."

I furrowed my brows at him. "What for?"

"For being patient and trusting," he murmurs. "I don't know if I'm being a good boyfriend to you knowing I haven't been paying attention to you lately."

"You are a good boyfriend," I say sheepishly. "---just because we're not as sweet or romantically active like in those movies doesn't mean I'd  love you less."

I cup his cheeks to his surprise. I smile. "I love you for who are."

He held my hand and leaned in. I prop forward, closing my eyes as he tilts my head slightly. I feel his breath hitch my skin and then his lips took over.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed me senselessly,  following the rhythm as I kissed him like we were fighting for something. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer, making butterflies inside me flutter.

We pulled away, slightly out of breath as I let a sheepish smile, my cheeks turned red. He smiles at me and hugs me tightly. "I love you, Star."

"Geez. I know," I murmured. "--stop being so sweet; I'm going to die."