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You waited, I provided. Enjoy.

The rumble of rotary cannons and artillery guns dominates the environment as the compound's defence grid springs into action. Rotary cannons perched on top of the wall pebble Cephalonian tripods with high calibre rounds, shredding hydraulics, cutting power lines and grinding the crew inside. The artillery guns fire upon the tripods, knocking them over or striking a magazine and blowing them to kingdom come. Super soldiers armed with rocket launchers stood on the walls and fired away at the smaller tripods, closing in and trying to suppress smaller individuals on top. An APC managed to get through the hellfire and deploy it's troops, soldiers running towards the wall, throwing or shooting grenades at the enemy. A tripod barely glazes past a soldier as it falls over from an artillery shell. The battle was fully fledged.


Callie threw back a grenade as she was pinned behind a few crates. Bullets rattled the wooden stores and the occasional grenade sent splinters flying. She was about to peak over to fire her pistol at them but was stopped by the quiet whirring of a minigun and the volley of bullets that followed immediately afterwards.

A super soldier wearing a blast numbing vest and kneepads advanced towards Callie. It carried a large machine gun which was actually a minigun but the barrels were covered by a shroud. An ammo box was attached to the side and bullets were fed to it by a small arm that quickly picked up the bullet and moved it to the barrel where it was loaded and fired. The process happened extremely quickly so it fired as if it were belt fed. When Callie heard it speak over the intercom, it had a very distorted mechanical voice which she couldn't really understand. It all sounded like mumbles to her. But it advanced anyway, minigun firing away and pinning her to the cover.  I've gotta get to the control panel! Callie thought to herself or else our walkers are toast!

She was about to toss a grenade to the suppressor and finish it off with a volley of SMG bullets. However, she turned around to meet the recieving end of a machine gun and the red monoeye of a Super soldier,

"Do as we say and we might just let you live," it said, gun fixated onto Callie.


Marie and 8 sneaked past a battalion of soldiers and made it into the lower facility. They quietly followed behind a group of soldiers who dragged an unconscious Agent 5 and 6. From their observation, 5 has been scathed by grenade shrapnel judging from the scars on her face and 6 has been pretty badly beaten up,

"How are we getting them back?" 8 quietly whispered to Marie, "we aren't equipped for close quarters combat."

Marie thought to herself, contemplating on their move. Go in guns blazing or pick off the soldiers and risk them being shot on the spot,

"We'll have to wait," Marie told 8, "guns blazing may get them killed and picking them off may get them executed."

"Right," 8 responded, "we'll wait."

But little time did they have to wait. A combination of rapid fire firing and a loud rumble of a machine gun and the guards are dead. Two figures stepped out. One in which they recognized immediately and one they immediately flinched from,

"Hey guys!" 3 called to them,

"Heya 3," Marie said to her,

"Hi," 8 quietly whispered,

"Who's the other one?" Marie asked as she pointed to the other figure wearing Super soldier armor,

"It's not important," the figure simply replied, "we're shutting down the main defence grid."

"But I thought Callie got that covered," Marie stated, "did something happen to her?"

"Probably," the figure responded, "a professional such as her should have got the grid shut down now."

Splatoon Fanfic: Like No Other (Fem!Agent 3 x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now