02. Acquaintances

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Location: Tentakeel Outpost, Octo Canyon, Inkopolis City, Inkblot Prefecture, Republic of Cephalonia

Date: 25/07/2018ME

Time: 5:22PM

Four was lounging on the sofa, like he had been for the past half hour or so. He held his phone on his right hand and reached for a bag of pretzels on his left, hovering over them for a few seconds before reaching down to snatch one. The small, baked pretzel, lightly salted, was one of the few sensations Four felt as he awaited for the guests to arrive. Marie had insisted to him that they would be joined by five others in a commemorative event or something, he didn't pay attention to that part of the conversation. Officially, Four was on guard detail on Octavio, making sure he did not try anything funny. De facto, he had nothing worthwhile to do but scroll through his feed. Octavio made a few attempts at a conversation, mostly consisting of hey's, questions or statements, which were only ever responded to with brisk yeahs, noes, uh huhs, grunts and sures.

Callie waltzed over to Four, wearing a nondescript orange cardigan and a face mask, whilst clutching two bags embalozoned with MakoMart. Four glanced over, seeing Callie hold one of the bags to him, of which he took one and peered inside,

"What you get?" he reached inside and pulled out a bag of kelp chips,

"Kelp chips, coral cookies, some hotdogs and burgers, I might have thrown in a beer or two in there," Callie set the other bag down, the sound of numerous glass bottles within clinking against each other coming from the bag, before undoing her face mask, "Marie also wanted some ice cream too, but that's just personal stuff. The freezer's out again."

"Uh huh," Four set the stuff back into the bag, standing up and walking to the table, "they should be here in a few minutes."

"Gramps just called, he and the Agents are on Highway 4," Marie glanced over, "they'll be here in twenty minutes, give or take."

"Right, and the new Agents?" Four asked,

"Tasked with finding their way here, don't worry, I set up the clues," Callie collected the bag back from Four, "while you've got nothing to do, mind helping with the grill?"

"Sorry, can't do, I'm on... 'Security Detail'..." Four responded rather sarcastically, referring to the snow globe and the captive Octarian within,

"You can go help out, you know," Octavio spoke through the globe, "can't do much in here anyway."

"You broke through the last globe, so I think I'll stay here..." Four answered back,

"Suit yourself," Octavio returned to the book by his side.


Location: Inkopolis Square, Inkopolis City, Inkblot Prefecture, Republic of Cephalonia

Date: 25/07/2018ME

Time: 5:52PM

The Sun hung high over the city, restless and buzzing with life. Inkopolis Square was at it's peak daily activity. School had just ended and many students had come to the Square to hangout with their friends, visit the Galleria or partake in Turf War games. Students from Inkopolis North High School, Inkblot Art Academy, the Inkadian Institute of Technology and many more educational establishments took this evening to engage in informal battles against each other, vying to place their school on a higher rung of the informal Turf War competition currently being ran. But the buzz of these competitions did not concern Claire nor Eli, or at least not intentionally, as they squeezed their way through the slow moving current of people at the Square. They found slight refuge at a small corner of the square, where they took a short break,

Splatoon Fanfic: Like No Other (Fem!Agent 3 x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now