Chapter 8: Wizard

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"So, mind telling us what's your relationship with Ennoshita?" Kiyoko eyed me as Misaki and Yachi did the same. Crap, I could feel my cheeks heat-up so badly. The last part of Kiyoko's sentence 'what's your relationship with Ennoshita' ugh my head is imagining lovey-dovey things that I shouldn't.

"So? You gonna answer the unanswered Y/N?" Misaki smirked at me, I'd honestly murder her right now if I wasn't in this messy blushing state. " and Ennoshita-kun we're classmates back in 1st year. We weren't really friends back then..we didn't talk to eachother.." I paused, my face became even more flushed.

Flashbacks of me and him interacting for the first time popped in my mind "Well..?" Yachi added. All of the girls we're smirking at me. "Well..we talked for the first time during the interview..and we surprisingly knew eachother's names and..well..I think we're friends now?" I added, unsure of my answer though they seemed satisfied with it.

I looked away from the smirking girls, avoiding their gazes. My cheeks are still hot, my whole body is hot and I'm wearing a damn hoodie. The temperature of the outside is cold but my whole body is just plain out warm. Maybe I'm even sweating a bit.

"So, Y/N. Do you like Ennoshita?" Kiyoko my eyes widened as I shifted my eyes directly at Kiyoko.

She smiled at me while Yachi and Misaki was smirking. I shifted my eyes my right then looked at the girls again. "I-I guess it's just a simple crush..." I smiled, my cheeks still heated-up. "Simple crush my ass..." Misaki whispered to Yachi making the blonde burst out laughing.

I shot a glare at the two. They both stood up straight while walking, both sweating as I gave them my death glare, I could only hear Kiyoko giggling at my other side. "Well, let's confirm that" everyone raised a brow at Kiyoko. "Y/N" Kiyoko looked at me directly in the eyes, showing off a serious aura around her.

"What are your thoughts on Ennoshita Chikara?" She asked, eyeing me like I was some murder suspect under investigation. Misaki and Yachi also eyed me, making me sweat-drop at the situation they all put me in. I could feel all the blood who to my cheeks, am I blushing again?! "W-Well..aHhHahah.." I laughed nervously as I scratched the back of my neck; avoiding their gaze once again.

I sighed, though my breath was hot as well. "Well, Ennoshita-kun's difficult to describe.." I paused as I squinted my eyes at the ground. Both of my hands inside the front pocket of my hoodie. "Well...he's imperfect.." My answer made all the girls eyed me more, maybe having questioning looks at my answer.

"Well, Ennoshita-kun has..very pretty eyes, they're absolutely gorgeous. His smile can steal hearts of many, his laugh is like music to my ears, the way he's awkward around new people is really adorable, when he skipped practice back then he regretted it a lot I could tell by his eyes..I caught him talking to Kinoshita and Narita-kun back then about the whole thing..."

I paused as I smiled.

"It's just he knows he made a mistake..and instead of beating himself up for it more, he stood tall and proved to many that he's not the same person as he used to be...and he's a great example for those people who are mad at themselves for having such flaws..."

"Which makes him..perfectly...i-imperfect.." My smile widened more, my heartbeat is fast. I could feel their gazes soften at me, heck I could feel myself soften at the words that I just spitted out of my own mouth. What's happening to me? This is worse than 1st year. Ennoshita Chikara is a wizard of his own magic.

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