Chapter 9: Lookin' Cozy

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It was the next day, and all the newsies decided to go to Tibby's to celebrate the victory yesterday. I sat at a table with Racetrack and Mush. Racetrack began giving me a detailed story of his last bet he made at the Sheapstead races. I wasn't listening. I stared at Spot who was talking to his fellow Brooklyn newsies.
We met eye contact for a short minute until Race put his hand in front of my face. "Jules? Are ya ok?" He asked. I nodded, still staring at Spot. He smirked back at me.
Suddenly, our man Denton entered the restaurant with the latest paper in his hands. He slapped it down on the table, and every newsie came rushing over to get a good look at their faces on the front page of the New York Sun paper.
"Wow Jack! You look like a general or somethin!" Mush exclaimed while pointing to Jack on the paper.
"Would ya get ya hands off of me face?" Jack yelled, swatting away Mush's hand. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Where's my name?!" Spot exclaimed.
"Would ya quit thinkin about ya self?" Jack replied. I chuckled again.
"Woah Jules. You and Spot look pretty cozy ova there." Mush commented. My eyes went wide. I looked back to Spot. His eyes also went wide. Jack drifted his gaze to where Spot and I were on the paper. He glared down at it and looked up to me. His eyes had anger in them. I glared right back at him.
"You got us in the paper?" David asked excitedly.
"You got yourselves in the paper." Denton replied back.
"So what? You get ya face in the papes. Who cares?" Asked Skittery. All of us began yelling out arguments.
"Ya been in a bad mood all day!" Jack yelled back. Skittery yelled back in protest.
"Glum and dumb, ya get ya picture in the papes, you're famous! That's what's so great about New York!" Race yelled. I cheered along with the other newsies. We had a nice celebration for a little while. After that, I went over to the booth Spot was occupying in the back corner of Tibby's.
"Heya Jules." He said. I smiled when he said my name.
"That was a close one there with Jack." I said. Spot sarcastically let out a loud exhale. I laughed and punched his shoulder.
I could feel Jack's gaze on me and Spot. I ignored it until he came up to the booth we were sitting at. "Can I have a word with you Jules?" He asked. I looked back at Spot, then nodded. I stood up and walked with Jack to another corner in the restaurant.
"Why are ya lookin all cozy wit Spot all of the sudden?" He asked.
"Well maybe I like to talk to him." I replied casually.
"Jules, just, stay away from him." He said.
"Why? Because he's so harmful? He makes me happy. Why can't ya accept that?" I yelled. Some newsies turned to looked at me and Jack. Jack waved his hand at them and they went back to talking.
"I just don't want ya to get hoit." Jack replied. "Spot could be dangerous. He is the most feared and respected newsie in New York. He could hurt ya."
I glared back at him. "What do you know?" I asked. I turned around and walked out of Tibby's. Some eyes were on Jack. Jack was staring and glaring at Spot and only Spot.
I began to take a short walk around town. I passed couples walking together on the streets and some walked out of restaurants. I imagined what it would be like to have someone by my side who loved me.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned back. Spot stood there with his cane in his hand. "You and Jack had a pretty heated argument back there." He said.
"Tell me about it!" I replied. Spot smirked.
"Youse a beautiful goil." He said. I couldn't help but blush. "Uh, well in Tibby's, we planned a rally at Medda's tomorrow for the strike. I nodded. "Would ya like ta come wit me? As me date?" He asked. Butterflies flew throughout my stomach.
"I would love to Spot." I replied. Happiness filled his eyes. Spot looked cute when he was happy. "I'll see ya there." I said. From there, I walked back to the lodging house with a light skip in my walk. This was going to be the best night of my life!

Crazy Goil: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now