Chapter 10: Emotions

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The night of the rally, the lodging house bathroom was packed with the newsies getting ready. Jack used some water to slick his hair back and put on a raggedy, but nice, suit. Today was the day that all of the newsies of New York were going to find out my real gender. I felt nervous, but excited to be there with Spot.
"Hey Jules! I heard you and Spot were goin to the rally togetha." Kid Blink said. I shushed him and punched his arm. He laughed. I brushed my long blonde hair and changed into my nicest clothing. I had a white flannel shirt with some black suspenders and some comfortable black pants. I dusted off my newsie cap and put it on my head. I let my hair flow out under it instead of shoving it into my hat. I was ready.
Newsies from all over New York came to Medda's that night. I saw newsies from Harlem, Queens, The Bronx, all over. "Youse look beautiful." Said a familiar voice behind me. I turned around. Spot was wearing his nicest shirt with his favorite faded red suspenders. He wore his usual pants. "Shall we?" He asked, extending his arm out. I took it and we walked in the theatre. I got some stares from some newsies. One winked at me. Spot saw it and gave that newsie a death glare. I thought is was cute that Spot felt protective over me. I smiled.
I saw Jack with David's sister, Sarah. I haven't been talking to him, but I know he has the hots for her. Jack looked up at me and Spot. Jack sighed. He knew he couldn't convince me to not like Spot. I mentally nodded to myself, saying that he might be off my back about this now.
Jack, David, Spot, and I stood on the middle stage when the rally began. "CARRYING THE BANNA!!" Jack yelled. All the newsies cheered. Jack began talking about the strike. "We all need ta get smart, and listen to my pal, David, who says stop soakin the scabbas!"
"What are we supposed to do ta tha bums? Kiss 'em?" Race commented. I was on Jack's side, but that made me chuckle a little.
"Any scabba I see, I soak 'em. Period." Spot said. I turned to Spot and glared.
"We're just playing into their hands!" David yelled.
"They'll be playin with my hands alright? It ain't what they say, it's what we say. And they won't listen to us unless we make 'em!" Spot yelled. Arguments sprouted from every corner of the theatre. Jack started to talk sense into everyone. I stared at Spot. He was deep in thought. Jack finished what he was saying.
"What do ya say Spot?" Jack asked. Spot hesitated for a little. He looked back at me. I nodded my head.
"I say that what you what I say." Spot replied. I cheered as Spot and Jack spit shook. I leapt into Spots arms and we hugged each other.
Medda began to perform a song. Spot took me backstage where no one could see us. "Youse so beautiful." Spot said.
"How many times are ya gonna say that?" I replied back.
"Enough times for it to sink in." He said. "Jules, how do ya feel about bein with Brooklyn?"
The butterflies flew faster around my stomach. I loved Spot so much, but I don't know if I could leave my boys from 'Hattan.
David then ran over to me and Spot. "Snyder's here! He's lookin for you and Jack!" He yelled. Spot looked back at me. He took my hand and led me to a back entrance.
"Get outta here!" He yelled.
"No! I'm not leavin you here!" I yelled back. Spot looked frustrated.
"Snyder's afta Youse! You could go back to an orphanage and I don't want that happenin to ya!" I saw a tear in Spot's eyes. "I don't wanna lose ya." He said. The King of Brooklyn. The most feared and respected newsie, was tearing up over me. I couldn't bear to see him cry. I quickly kissed his cheek and ran outside the back door.
Outside were more bulls guarding. They grabbed my shirt. "You are the girl who escaped that orphanage a year ago! Mrs. Whitman will be glad to see ya!" One of the cops said. I struggled in the man's grip. It was no use. He was too strong. He led me out to a police carriage. I could see Spot outside. I met his gaze. He looked afraid. He began running towards me, but was stopped by a cop on a horse. I looked back at Spot. A tear fell down my cheek. I mouthed the words: I love you Spot. I kneeled on the floor of the carriage and began to cry.

Crazy Goil: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now