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Jem's cheeks were sore from smiling and it wasn't even 7pm.

She'd spent the day after school at the mall with the girls, who made her try on a bajillion different outfits before they picked out a neon orange top that Stiles would have had a fit if he saw, and extra ripped up light denim barrel jeans. 

Maisie insisted that the black heels were a necessary addition. "You do want to look 21 right?"Jem had surrendered to not challenging Maisie's theory about height making her look older. She was probably right anyways, she usually was about this sort of stuff. 

Her dad didn't protest much about the sleepover situation. Jem felt a little guilty about lying to him, especially since he seemed so happy for her to be doing 'normal teenage girl activities' like slumber parties with her girlfriends. She tried not to let it bother her too much. He wanted her to have fun, and that's what she was going to do. 

They were now back in Maisie's bedroom, the two girls fixing up her makeup for her. The smell of takeaway pizza mixed with hair product, spray tan and perfume was probably hallucinogenic at this stage, but the girls had gotten used to it, playing the top forty in the background. 

Jem couldn't believe how stunning her two friends looked. She knew Maisie was gorgeous, it was undeniable with her long blonde hair and lips and cheeks that were always perfectly rosy. Beth on the other hand was so shy most people never noticed. She always kept her dark brown hair down, and it was so coiled you couldn't always see her face. Today she had them done in the most delicate cornrows, with gold rings laced into some of them. Her bronze skin was practically glittering and stood out so breathtakingly dark against the yellow dress she had picked out. 

She had every bit of faith in them as they messed around with her hair and makeup. If they were able to make themselves look like this, so glamorous and beautifully mature, then she assumed they could do the same for her. 

Just as Maisie finished curling her hair the doorbell sounded, ringing through the otherwise empty house. 

"That'll be the boys" She placed the curler down on her vanity table before bounding out the door, walking effortlessly in silver heels she'd probably practised wearing around the house for days on end. 

Jem exhaled when she finally stood to look in the mirror. She couldn't help see how much she looked like her mother now, in the photo by her bed. Her hair was curled loosely like her mothers had been on the beach, and her cheeks tinted with blush so she had the same smooth and sun kissed complexion.  

"Beth-" She breathed, not knowing entirely what to say. Her friend finished closing the rest of her makeup away.

"you look beautiful" she smiled in response. She held out a small gold chain with a heart at the bottom, but put it back in her bag instead. "I was going to lend you this, but I think the one you have on is perfect" Jem glanced down at the opal moon around her throat, resting beween her collarbones.

"Thank you" she finally managed to say, smoothing down her outfit once more before turning away from the mirror. They both giggled as she wobbled a little bit in the heels. 

"Come on, we better go say hi"

By the time they made it to the kitchen they were both used to their new shoes. Maisie had a party playlist on her parents sound system, and had unsurprisingly helped herself to a bottle of champagne from the cellar. Jem didn't want to even think about how much it was worth. 

But the biggest surprise was seeing Brett standing at the kitchen counter laughing along with the two guys. Jem paused in the doorway, smiling at the fact that he was so easy with them. She looked quickly around the kitchen, just absorbing all of the smiling faces before they noticed her. 

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