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Kira drove Jem, Scott and Brett back to Satomi's.

Mason had promised to explain to Jem's friends that she had Brett had an amazing time but he'd taken her home after too much drink. She didn't want to think about the embarrassment of being the friend who had to be carried home before they passed out but she figured it was easier than explaining the truth.

They drove in silence, Jem leaning comfortable against Brett in the back of the car. He was still resting his head against her, not completely having gotten all his strength back yet. She was rubbing her thumb along his hand, noticing the tiny scars on his palms from back when he'd learnt to control his shift.

She was still sick with fear. She'd never felt so uneasy before, after the doctors just disappeared. They way they'd slipped into the shadows back at Sinema made her imagine they could just as quickly re-emerge from the dark. She figured the only reason she wasn't shivering was because of Brett's body pressed against hers, sharing their warmth.

Kira waited in the car while she and Scott helped him up the drive way. Lori answered the door, and Jem couldn't help wonder what she was still doing awake. It was well past midnight, but she suspected the reason the younger girl wasn't sound asleep was because her big brother wasn't home with her.

Satomi came into view behind the younger girl, a grave look taking over her face and waking her up as she noticed the weak state Brett was in.

"Lori, will you help Jemima take him upstairs" She instructed calmly, recognising that he was at least healing. Lori nodded and Scott let go of Brett, letting him lean slightly on Jem instead. He was strong enough to walk on his own, but Jem didn't mind still supporting him. As he passed Satomi he kissed her forehead gently, mumbling something along the lines of don't worry.

Jem followed the younger girl up the stairs of the house, passing beautiful pottery wall decorations of the sun and moon, and yin-yang symbols. Jem couldn't believe how much she'd matured since the last time they'd met. When Jem had first seen her, seven or eight months ago, she seemed so much younger, curious about everything and wanting to get involved, but still nervous.

Now she seemed mature. She must have been fourteen, her blonde hair cut into a fringe messily, signs of a minor teenage rebellion episode Jem imagined. She didn't ask about the blood covering both her brother and his girlfriend as she lead them to Brett's bedroom.

"Thanks Lori" Jem offered the girl a smile as she held the door open.

"I had a feeling something was wrong" Lori told her, flicking on the light and standing in the doorway as Jem helped Brett carefully into his bed. Jem's heart sank, mostly because she knew what Lori meant. There were nights when Jem stayed up sick with worry if Stiles hadn't come home at the usual time, or something seemed off about him. "Does he need bandages?"

Jem took a look at the cut, still bleeding a little. "Maybe just for tonight" She responded and Lori disappeared out the door without a word. Jem could hear the hushed whispers from the porch as Scott explained everything that had happened to Satomi. She was sure he was telling her the whole story, not just tonight's events.

"You don't have to do that" Brett took Jem's hands as she went to take off his shoes. She looked up at him, his face still a little pale.

"Let me help" Jem pleaded, taking her hands away and appreciating the fact that he'd gave in, letting him rest half sitting against his bed frame while she took off his shoes and socks. She tried to lift his shirt off as carefully as she could, trying not to agitate the wound, or pull at the already healing tissue. He tried not to wince when he had to raise his arms, making her feel better about being a little clumsy.

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