xix. shoot

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I ran as fast I could. The culprit must be here, Jungkook sent me the location as soon as I landed in this country.

Jungkook is my trusted agent. He does things for me. From hacking to tracking random people, he does it all.

And he's also my boyfriend. He's so different from being an agent to being my boyfriend. He's dead serious when he's on job but he's real sweet when we're together. He said he likes me and courted me. And rest is history.

And now we're chasing the mastermind of smuggling illegal drugs and weapons to and from this country.

I loaded my gun and cocked it, walking slowly as I heard footsteps going near me. I held it and stopped from walking.

When I turned around to see who's it.. I felt a cold and hard thing pointed at my head. It was a gun. I was surprised and frightened at the same time. Knowing who's behind that gun.

It was Jungkook.

"Put your gun down, Lisa," he whispered, sending chills down my spine. "Put. It. Down."

"Jungkook," I gritted my teeth as I feel my heart being torn apart, "Traitor,"

He laughed like a devil and paused, "I know, baby,"

Baby.. the endearment he gave me that used to drive me crazy but hearing it now.. it pains me.

"So.." I chuckled bitterly. "you planned this all along?" I smirked.

"You figured," then the devil grinned. He was supposed to kiss me but I kicked his stomach and ran.

I memorized the blueprint of this building so I would be able to escape from him. From what I remembered, I should turn left to exit.

But when I turned left, it was a dead end. Fuck, I should've remembered that Jungkook gave me the blueprint!

I was about to run to the other side when I saw him approaching with a gun on his left hand.

"Now," he spoke. "You can't escape me," he pointed the gun to me.

I just closed my eyes and exhaled loudly. When I opened it, I stared at him, with sad eyes. "Why?"

"Why what?" he laughed. "This is my business, Lisa. Can't you see?" he extended his hand, showing me nothing. "So my last step to do for me to be successful is," he smirked. "to kill you,"

I took a step backward and my back touched the cold surface of the wall. I saw him devilishly smiled. He cocked his gun and pointed it again to me. He took steps forwards slowly.

I held my gun tight and pointed it at him. I saw his mouth formed an 'O'.

"Wow, I thought you would just let me kill you," he said, amused. "Amazing,"

I sighed. "Jungkook, I love you," I said truthfully. This might be my last. Might as well make it count. "I don't care who you are and what you do for living. When I found out that you're a traitor, I felt angry at you for a second for not telling me but I know you have your reasons, because you always have. And if you want to kill me," I sighed, putting my gun down. "Go ahead. Kill me. Blow my head up,"

When my gaze met his, I saw him again. I saw the Jungkook I loved. I saw vulnerability. I saw the pain. I saw the love in his eyes. I saw him. I saw Jungkook.

"Lisa.." he whispered. "I'm sorry,"

I cried, "Shoot me, Jungkook." I commanded. "Shoot me,"

I closed my eyes. Preparing for the bullet to penetrate my body.


I slowly opened my eyes, only to see him lying on the cold floor, bathing with his own blood.

No.. no.. no!



unedited. all mistakes are mine.

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