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      The walk was long and soundless. Marcus' words still dreaded me. My memories? Blocked? Now that I think about it. It's like I have blank spaces in between some. I had to find Atsuo soon.

     I heard a sudden boom, then crackle.

     "What utter convenience." I said out loud.

      I ran faster and found a door. It gets busted by thunder and lightning. All was left was an arch. I head in and find fragments flying up and a boy on the ground.

     A pillar nearby was about to fall right onto him. I panicked.

     I ran and rolled body quickly aside and saving him and me from the toppling pillar. My haori is ripped from getting caught in the fall but I ignore it.

     Atsuo was bleeding right on the stomach like me. But his was a stab and mine was a slash. His was more dangerous. He managed to stop it. He was unconscious.

     "Atsuo?" I shake him, "Atsuo."

     Asugaya said nothing. I felt the slippery surface. Water. It wasn't dry. The ground was wet.

     He fought a water user perhaps.

     I looked around for Yuuki. Worried, I check my menu for my party members, now that I was close by. Her health bar is gone. Only one thing.

     She died.

     "Asugaya, is Yuuki dead?" I shamed him more, "Come on, get up."

     I resisted the urge to cry and took my ripped off haori and put it on him I tied a knot on my waist and an unconscious Asugaya rested in my back. His head resting on my shoulder. I had to move forward.

     "Leave it all to me, Atsuo." I told him quietly, "You've suffered enough."

     I left the room and crawled to the dark pathway. Asugaya was swordless now. I still had kunais and my katana. He can't fight.

     He's probably shocked, physically, mentally and emotionally. The death of Yuuki. He promised Asuna-sensei she would see her as we logged off. We failed to keep that promise. I wondered however, if she managed to smile. In the end. I wanted to believe so.

     "We're gonna make it out alive." I assured him, "With Yui. And I'll kill Jigoku and Deathgun."

     The cavern directed downwards, deeper in. Another dome. But this time, made of ice. It was cold.

     I knew who it was.

     "Ranbento Raito."

     Akari gave me a smirk from above. She jumped down and held two swords. A black and light blue one. The blue one looked very similar to the one the cue here was created. A rose encrusted on its hilt.

     "Akari." A silently named the person.

     I untied the knot and rested Asugaya away by the corner. I equip a kunai and my katana.

     "Spare the guy, target me." I demand her, "This is our fight, and our fight alone. There's no need to involve him."

     "You're now close to the end. Right after me. It's the admin box. But I obviously wouldn't let you stand in my way. You both manage to kill Marcus and The Twilight Fox." She boasts and looks at him, "Where's the other one?"

     "She's dead." I stomped and stood with my katana directly pointing to her neck and my kunai for defense.

     "This is where you go." I hissed, "Our fight to the death."

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