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Michael: *is taking a nap on the sofa while my cat tortishell cat Cinnamon eats her cat food*

*Meanwhile, inside MJ's house...*

Macaulay Culkin: Let's do it...👹

Me: *giggles quietly*

*Macaulay and I both dump a water balloon on MJ's head*

Michael: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *runs upstairs to get changed into some clean clothes*

Me and Macaulay: 😂😂

(A few minutes later:)

Michael: Why did you do this to me? *sneezes cutely as he covers himself with a red blanket while shivering*

Me: Well Mr. I-love-Peter-pan-so-much, it's time to do another truth or dare book with MJ book. And this time, the readers get to dare me to do something while you get to sit back and relax.

Michael: Oooh, can I ask some of the dares too?

Me: Sure! But let's allow one of the moonwalkers to dare me to something. And remember, no bullying or harmful dares will be done in this book.


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