Dare 5

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Me: Oh no! I've been triple dared. 😲😆

Janet: (MJ's sister) What's the dare?

Me: I've been triple dared to rip one of Michael's shirts.

Janet: *giggles* Let's sneak into his closet and see what we can find...

*Me and Janet both sneak upstairs to Michael's bedroom*

Me: *opens Michael's closet* OOOH! How about I rip one of his favorite Peter Pan shirts?

Janet: It's your pick...but you might want to hurry before Michael comes back with some KFC for dinner.

Me: *takes out some scissors and tears the shirt apart* I'm going to lay it on his bed and then when he gets in here to change out of his fancy clothes...

*Me and Janet both snicker as we both quickly run back downstairs to go watch a movie in the living room*

*A few hours later*

Michael: Hi everyone! I'm back with some delicious and scrumptious KFC. 😃

Me: Yummy! Let's eat.

Michael: I want to change out of my work clothes and then we'll eat, okay girls?

Janet: Okay little brother. 😀

*MJ goes upstairs to his bedroom and when he opens the door...*

Michael: WHAT THE HECK?! 😱 That was my favorite shirt in the whole wide world!

Me: It was just a dare Michael. You're such a drama king sometimes.

Michael: Well, don't think that I won't prank you back.

Me: Yeah, we'll see about that 😉

Truth Or Dare With Michael Jackson: THE SEQUEL!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now