Chapter 17

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I grabbed the magazine. I was fuming. I paid for it all and walked home. I wacked the front door open. Josh was sat watching TV. Josh could tell I was angry‘Katie is you-u-u’ I cut him off ‘HOW COULD YOU!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!! AFTER EVERYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT LAST NIGHT YOU KEPT THAT FROM ME’I yelled. I threw the magazine at him He looked so scared. ‘Katie calm down it’s not what it looks like I promise’ He said calmly. ‘CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN JOSH!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME. YOU LIED HOW COULD YOU!!! I MIGHT BE PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD AND YOU HAD JUST CHEATED ON ME WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!’ I screamed. He didn’t reply. I had just registered what I had said. I tear came to my eye and I ran to my room. I slammed the door. I was sobbing. Josh knocked on the door. ‘GO AWAY!’ I shouted. ‘Katie please let me in I want to explain. You don’t have to talk I just want you to listen to me. Please’ I felt so bad that I hadn’t given him a chance to explain. I got up and opened the door. My arms flung around his neck and his hands went round my waist. ‘I’m Sorry I over reacted Josh’ I blushed, I was so embarrassed. ‘Katie babe sit down’ I did what he said and sat down on the bed. He sat down next to me and got hold of my hand. ‘Katie, I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. It was my ex Shannon Wada. My mom set us up a coffee date thing where we could catch up, I told her about you and everything Then she grabbed me and kissed me! I pushed her away as soon as she touched me. I swear down, please believe me. I didn’t kiss her! Katie I love you’ Josh was starting to panic now. I interrupted him. ‘Josh honey its fine I believe you, I just can’t believe she would do that even after you told her about me?’ Was she jealous? ‘I think she hasn’t moved on, and Katie what did you say about-t-t’ I knew what he was going to say next so I kissed him. I didn’t want him to ask about me being pregnant, I wasn’t even sure. ‘ Josh I need the loo, I will be right back.’ I got the test out of my pocket and followed the instructions. Nothing came up, phew. I was so happy. I put it in the bin and went back to my room. I just remembered I had to tell Josh. ‘Josh I need to speak to you’ I said. The smile on his face had gone. A look of worry appeared on his face. ‘Yes Katie?’  Josh replied. ‘Josh I don’t know how to say this because it will ruin everything and you might hate me for it.’ The look on his face got worse and worse. ‘Ermm…’ I couldn’t say it. ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Katie!! Just say it!! Are you pregnant?!?!!?’ What was Josh on about? ‘What Josh? I’m not pregnant. I’m moving.’ I could see why he could think I was pregnant, because I threw up, had a pregnancy test in my hand when I walked through the door and I yelled it at him. ‘Where to Katie?’ Josh asked. A tear came to my eye. I burst into tears. ‘I-i-i-m-m-m m-mm-ovin-g-g to London-n-n’ I sobbed out. Josh stood up and walked out of the room.


The front door flung open. I could tell she was angry ‘Katie are you-u-u’ she cut me off ‘HOW COULD YOU!! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!! AFTER EVERYTHING WE TALKED ABOUT LAST NIGHT YOU KEPT THAT FROM ME’ she yelled. She threw the magazine at me. I was so scared, I don’t know what I had done; I looked at the magazine and realised. ‘Katie calm down it’s not what it looks like I promise’ I said calmly. ‘CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN JOSH!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME. YOU LIED HOW COULD YOU!!! I MIGHT BE PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD AND YOU HAD JUST CHEATED ON ME WITH ANOTHER GIRL!!’ she screamed. I didn’t reply. Was that her way of telling me she was pregnant? Or what?. She ran to her room and slammed the door. I felt so bad, I hadn’t told her it was all Shannon’s fault. I went upstairs and knocked on the door. ‘GO AWAY!’ She shouted. ‘Katie please let me in I want to explain. You don’t have to talk I just want you to listen to me. Please’ She opened the door. Her arms flung around my neck and my hands went round her waist. ‘I’m Sorry I over reacted Josh’ she blushed. ‘Katie babe sit down’ She sat down on the bed. I sat down next to her and got hold of her hand. ‘Katie, I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me. It was my ex Shannon Wada. My mom set us up a coffee date thing where we could catch up, I told her about you and everything then she grabbed me and kissed me! I pushed her away as soon as she touched me. I swear down, please believe me. I didn’t kiss her! Katie I love you’ I was starting to panic now. She interrupted me. ‘Josh honey its fine I believe you, I just can’t believe she would do that even after you told her about me?’ Was she jealous? ‘I think she hasn’t moved on, and Katie what did you say about-t-t’ She kissed me. ‘ Josh I need the loo, I will be right back.’ She went to the toilet. ‘Josh I need to speak to you’ she said. The smile on my face went.I was worried about what she was going to say. face. ‘Yes Katie?’ I replied. ‘Josh I don’t know how to say this because it will ruin everything and you might hate me for it.’I didn’t know what she was going to say, I was so scared; I didn’t want to be a day yet. ‘Ermm…’ she couldn’t say it. ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Ermm…’ ‘Katie!! Just say it!! Are you pregnant?!?!!?’ I asked ‘What Josh? I’m not pregnant. I’m moving.’ My heart stopped. She was moving? What? This can’t be happening. ‘Where to Katie?’ I asked. A tear came to her eye and she burst into tears. ‘I-i-i-m-m-m m-mm-ovin-g-g to London-n-n’ she sobbed out. I couldn’t take it. I didn’t want to hear it so I stood up and walked out of the room.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now