Chapter 18

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I started crying I don’t know what I had done wrong? Atleast I had told him now and not left it till that day. I had to follow him. He went into the bathroom and locked the door.I leant against the door and knocked.‘Josh babe, please come out. I only found out yesterday and I had no other time to tell you. I’m sorry Josh’ I burst into tears. ‘Josh please. Speak to me’ he still didn’t reply. ‘Fine then. I will be in my room if you ever want to speak to me again’ I shouted, I burst into tears as I walked down the corridor. I flopped onto my bed and flung my arms over my head. I cant do this. I love him, he doesn’t love me does he? If he did he would react differently.The front door slammed shut and a car engine started. ‘JOSH!!’ I screamed? ‘JOSH!! IM SORRY!! COME BACK PLEASE!!’ I ran down the stairs. He was gone. I dropped to my knees and screamed. Tears were streaming down my face. What had I done to deserve this. I went back to my bed. I cryied and cryied and cryied.I heard the doorbell.I left it. It rang again. ‘I am just coming!!’ I screamed. I grabbed the key and turned it in the lock. I opened the door. My mouth dropped open. He was down on one knee with Red flowers. He went to his pocket and got out a black box. ‘Katie Louise Smith, I love you to the moon and back. I know we haven’t been together long but I love you soo much. There is 5 years, 8 months and 7 Days between us. That doesn’t mean anything to me. Your 16 and I’m 22 I know it’s weird but I don’t care I love you. So… Will you marry me??’ I burst into tears and slammed the door in his face. What had I done?


I couldn’t listen to what she was saying. I didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t be leaving me now, I thought she loved me. I walked to the bathroom and locked the door. A tear came to my eye. I couldn’t cry I had to be a man. She knocked ‘Josh babe, please come out. I only found out yesterday and I had no other time to tell you. I’m sorry Josh’ I burst into tears. I could let her know I was crying. ‘Josh please. Speak to me’ I still didn’t reply. I couldn’t speak. ‘Fine then. I will be in my room if you ever want to speak to me again’ She shouted, I could hear her crying as she left. I felt bad but I couldn’t help myself, it was the only way I could deal with it. I unlocked the door and walked slowly to Katie’s room, it was ajar. I peered through the door just enough so I could see but she couldn’t see me. I head was face down on the pillow with her arms flung above her head. I knew what I was going to do. I walked down the stairs and out the door. I got in my car and drove off. I knew exactly where I was going. I pulled up outside. I walked in. ‘Excuse me please my I have your prettiest one please?’ The man brought it out. It was gorgeous Katie would love it. ‘And can “I love you, forever and Always” engraved in it please.’ I asked. I paid and walked out the store. I got in the car and started to drive back to Katie’s, when I saw a stall on the side of the road. ‘can I have some red ones please’ I asked the woman handed me them and I paid. I carried on driving. I pulled up outside her house. I walked up to the door. I turned the handle it was locked. I shook the handle. It was always open. I didn’t lock it which means she did. I rang the doorbell. I got into position. No one came to the door. I rang the doorbell again. ‘I am just coming!!’ I could hear her say. She didn’t know it was me because if she didn’t she wouldn’t of replied. I could hear the key turn in the lock. This was the slowest 30 seconds of my life. She opened the door. Her mouth dropped open. I was down on one knee with Red flowers. I went to my pocket and got out a black box. ‘Katie Louise Smith, I love you to the moon and back. I know we haven’t been together long but I love you soo much. There is 5 years, 8 months and 7 Days between us. That doesn’t mean anything to me. Your 16 and I’m 22 I know it’s weird but I don’t care I love you. So… Will you marry me??’ She burst into tears and slammed the door in my face. What had I done?

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now