Chapter 13

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I didn’t want to do anything today so I texted jen ‘I am soo sorry to cancel Jen but I really don’t feel like doing anything today I am soo sorry. I just feel rubbish.’ I sat down to watch TV when she replied ‘it’s fine Katie, hope you feel happier soon. I can come over if you want?’ I smiled ‘it’s fine Jen I would rather be alone. Sorry’ I watched TV all day. I watched all of Josh’s films. I missed him so much. I wasn’t hungry. The day went by really slowly. I fell asleep on the couch. I heard a loud bang come from the TV and Jumped up. I was defiantly awake. I looked at my phone, 11:26. I had a text from Josh ‘Morning Beautiful, I miss you soo much only 5 more days and about 12 hours. I want to come back and see you, Have an amazing week. There isn’t very good signal out here, so if I don’t reply then just remember I am always thinking about you. Love you’ A tear came to my eye, I missed him more than I had ever missed anyone ever. I giggled because he thought I would be asleep. I didn’t reply because if I did it would ruin the whole cute text. I went upstairs, brushed my teeth and put my pyjamas on. I got into bed. I woke up to my phone vibrating. It was dad. ‘Hello’ I said, to emphasise that he woke me up. ‘Oh Katie you finally pick up. Well I have some news for you.’ He paused. ‘Yes? What news’ I asked. No one replied for abit. ‘Katie… we are moving to England for my job, isn’t it great?’ My heart stopped. I couldn’t breathe. Everything went black. ‘Katie honey are you there?’ Was all I could hear? I had passed out. ‘Oh yeah sorry Dad I dropped my phone’ He could never tell when I lied. ‘Yeah dad sounds amazing. What about my friends and school?’ I asked, trying not to sound upset. ‘Oh you will make new ones. Oh and when we are back in 12 days. We are leaving.’ WHAT! I have 12 days to say goodbye to my life, my friends, my house, my neighbourhood and especially MY BOYFRIEND. How do I tell him? How do I tell Josh I’m leaving in 12 days? ‘What dad! No that’s ridiculous! I can’t go not now!’ I yelled. ‘Tough Katie you are leaving whether you like it or not! We will see you soon. Bye’ He put the phone down.  I screamed. I hated it. Why me? I cried myself to sleep. I woke up at 3 in the afternoon. I had skipped Breakfast and lunch. I dragged my duvet downstairs. Grabbed a tub of ice cream from the freezer and sat down on the couch and watched P.S I LOVE YOU. That’s going to be like me and josh. Never seeing each other again. I had to text him as much as I could, while I had the chance. I hadn’t even replied to his last text. ‘I am sorry Josh that I replied so late, It’s just I have had some bad news and I didn’t want to text you back because I knew that I would have to tell you. I miss you tones. I love you’ I burst into tears. My phone vibrated. ‘Aww babe, are you okay what bad news? I am just about to board the plane. I coming home babe. I love you I will be back in 5 hours.’ ‘5 HOURS HES COMING HOME IN 5 HOURS’ I screamed. I have to meet him at the airport. I got into the shower. I was in there for about and 1 hour and 15 minutes. I thought about everything me and Josh had done together, and the things we hadn’t. I told myself that we had to do it. That he would be my first time, It had to be that way otherwise it would feel wrong. I thought about how I could tell him, how I could tell him that I was moving half way around the world. I got out the shower and dried my hair. I curled it and looked through my wardrobe. I picked out the nicest outfit I had. I rang up the takeaway down the road and ordered a salad. I didn’t wanna eat a pizza because my breath would smell and I didn’t want to eat nothing otherwise I might feel ill. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened it, It was Kayden. 


Me and Shannon got in the car. ‘Hey Josh’ Shannon said. She leaned in and hugged me. I had already regretted my decision. I wanted to be at Katie’s with her doing Boyfriend and Girlfriend stuff. Shannon pulled up beside Starbucks. We went in. ‘a coco moco skinny frafachino latte please’ Shannon asked the woman behind the counter. What? Is that even a drink? Shannon was handed the drink and she went and sat by the window. Typical. ‘So Joshie How’s everything’ she asked. She put on a cute girly voice. She knew that I always fell for that. I didn’t this time. ‘Good. Just finished filming, met my girlfriend, Went to some parties’ I replied, I knew she would get jealous over Katie. ‘Urmm Josh sorry did you say… urm girlfriend?’ She asked, she looked as if it was a shock that I had a girlfriend. I wasn’t that bad was I? Shannon leaned across the table. I explained how I met Katie and how much I liked her. I could see Shannon’s eyes sparkling. Something bad was going to happen I just knew it. Just as I thought about that to myself, Shannon grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me. It felt like how it used to be, then I realise I hated that. Cameras were flashing, pushed her away. ‘How could you do this!! You know I have a girlfriend’ I stormed off. I didn’t know where I was. ‘Mom, can you come pick me up? I don’t know where I am? I’m by this store called, Farmer Ted’s’ I asked. ‘Sure Josh I will be right there’ my mom replied and put the phone down. My phone started to ring… It was Shannon. ‘GO AWAY I DON’T WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU OR SEE YOU EVER AGAIN’ I yelled down the phone and Hung up. Mom pulled round the corner and I jumped in. On the ride to Grandma’s I explained everything that had happened. ‘What how could she do that’ my mom said. We both hated her. She has ruined everything. ‘Mom do you think I could go home tomorrow? I want to explain to Katie in person what happened’ I asked. I wanted to hold my Katie. I missed her so much. ‘Sure Josh if that’s what you want to do’ Mom replied. Great. When we got home I ran to my room and packed. I went online and booked a one way ticket. My luck had changed or so I thought.

A Dream Come True A JOSH HUTCHERSON FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now