"I think this belongs to you," Zane whispered, handing over the crumbled paper.She looked up at him, her green eyes growing a shade darker. "H-how'd you get that? Did you take that from me?"
"Whoa, whoa, calm down," he said gently, "you must have dropped it yesterday when the books fell and I found it. But you were long gone, so .."
"Stay away from me," she said harshly before storming away.
"Wow, was that Satan's girlfriend or what?" Kian joked, slapping his friend on the back.
"Back off," Zane threatened, pushing Kian to the side and walking away.
"What is with everyone today?" Kian joked, joining the rest of his friends as they gathered among the lockers.
Zane pushed through the scattered crowds of students in the bustling hallway , eyes desperately searching for her. He finally spotted her, sitting alone in the very last corridor. She was feverishly writing in a dark purple notebook. With an air of confidence, he strolled up and sat down beside her.
She briefly glanced over at him, heaving a sigh of frustration before continuing her writing.
"Is it true?" She looked again at him, yet his gaze was focused straight ahead of him. "What the paper said, is it true?"
"What's it to you?"
He simply let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. His hand very softly landed on her own, as his eyes now stay trained on hers. There was only silence exchanged between the two. Her green orbs eating away at his own grey ones. He edged his fingers between her own small delicate ones. Her gaze broke away only to look down at the interlocking of fingers. It took her a moment before she ripped her hand out of his. Abruptly she stood up, grabbing her things.
"I told you to stay away from me." And with that, she was gone yet again.
✦ ✦ ✦
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Her eyes remained focused on the gloomy city towering over her. It was hard to see past the condensation settling on the window, but anything was better than looking into the old, wrinkly face of Dr. Myles.
The ongoing tapping of his pen was quickly driving her insane, but she kept her composure. "I'd rather not say," she finally responded.
"And why is that?" His thick British accent hummed as he scribbled down in his worn green tablet.
She turned her head, finally looking at him. "Because it's not important."
"Sophia, my dear, I beg to differ." He put his tablet beside him as he leaned in closer to her. "It is very important. It is very important that we discuss this, so we can move on from this past that is haunting you. Keeping you from enjoying a life you deserve. One of happiness, one of joy, not this dark plague you continue to hold onto by not opening up to me. Opening up to yourself."
She bit down on her lip. Hard. So hard that the taste of metal enveloped her tastebuds. She returned her gaze back to the window. The minutes passed painstakingly slow as she refused to say another word.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
With a heavy sigh and the soft chimes of his phone, Dr. Myles stood up. "I will see you again at this time next week." She briefly glanced at him, at his warm smile causing even more wrinkles to appear. She almost wanted to return the smile.

Saving Sophia ✔️
Roman pour AdolescentsSophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane Hartley, the most popular boy at Presley Prep, takes interest in the school's biggest nobody. Things take a dark and dangerous turn, and on...