Dear Diary,
I feel like I'm losing all grip on reality. The nightmares have only gotten worse. They're seeping into my real world now. I don't know how much longer I can do this. I don't know how much more fight I have in me. The monsters, they're just too strong. They keep pulling me further and further into their world. Into their darkness. It's overwhelming. And no matter how much I scream, no one can hear me. No one can help me. I'm unsavable.
"So tell me Sophia, how are you feeling today?" Dr. Myles asked as he escorted her to her place on the couch. "Your mother informed me of another episode. Have you been taking your medication?"
She nodded.
"I see," he hummed, scribbling away in that old green notebook. "How's school going for you? Are you settling in well?"
More scribbling.
"And friends? Are you putting yourself out there? Trying to meet new faces?"
She just stared at him expressionless.
"I will take that as a no then."
"Well, there is ..." but she trailed off, turning her gaze to that same old window with that some old view.
"There is what, Sophia?"
Her mind wandered to that boy. She hadn't seen him since the day he tried to manipulate her into spilling her secrets.
It's been exactly one week.
"Oh, um, nothing. It's nothing."
"Sophia," Dr. Myles commanded, "there is what?"
"A boy," she finally blurred out. Realizing her mistake, she quickly retracted. "I mean, there is no one. It's nothing really," she tried covering her tracks. Nervously, she played with the small hole peeking through the sleeve of her green sweater.
"Go on, so there is a boy. And who is this boy? Is he a kind boy? Is he someone you go to school with?"
"He's ... just a boy, that's all. Just a boy who always helps me with my locker."
✦ ✦ ✦
" Sophia!"
She stopped. Only one person ever called her by name, only one person who actually knew her name.
"Sophia wait!"
And so she did.
She watched as he lightly jogged up to where she stood, adjusting the straps on her book bag. His cheeks were just ever so lightly flushed as he stopped by her side. "Hi," he breathed with a smile.
She just gazed at him briefly before turning her head towards the parking lot. She watched as kids piled into buses, into cars, dispersed in small groups walking in multiple directions.
"So I'm actually surprised you waited." His soft chuckle broke her from her trance. "I uh, actually wanted to see how you were doing? I heard about what happened last week, but I haven't seen you since."
"I'm fine."
"Fine, well that's good."
She watched as he shifted his book bag to his other shoulder. It was if he was itching to say something, but too afraid to do so.
"I need to go," she finally said, breaking the deafening silence.
"Do you need a ride?"
"I noticed your mom's car isn't here so I thought maybe-"
"You know my mom's car?"
"Well," he laughed awkwardly, "I mean I see you get in it when I'm leaving so, yeah I guess I do."
"Zane! There you are!" A female voice chirped as she sprang her arms around his neck. "I was waiting for you by your locker and you never came."
"Oh, yeah, must have forgot," he laughed. "Sorry about that Kenz."
"Oh it's no biggie, so you gonna take me home or-" she paused, eyeing over the unfamiliar female standing awkwardly a few feet away.
"Yeah, I was just seeing if Sophia needed a ride too."
"Sophia? Who is Sophia?"
Just as he was about to introduce her, he realized she was already gone. His eyes searched around in hopes of spotting her, but it was as if she just disappeared into thin air.
"Uh, never mind I guess, let's go."
Kenzie smiled, grabbing his hand as the two walked to the lot. Sophia watched from behind a nearby tree, an eerily familiar feeling running rapid through her body.
It couldn't be. It just couldn't be. The last time she felt this feeling, she ended up here, at Presley Prep.

Saving Sophia ✔️
Ficção AdolescenteSophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane Hartley, the most popular boy at Presley Prep, takes interest in the school's biggest nobody. Things take a dark and dangerous turn, and on...