She stood in front of the mirror, gliding her hand down the silky white material. In just one week, she would be a high school graduate. Just one more week. And she would have made it to the first big milestone in her life. Keyword would have.But life always has a funny way of changing plans on you without consent. Something she was all too familiar with.
"Peach! Zane's here," her mother's voice rang into her room. She quickly pulled off the white gown and tossed it onto her bed. She looked in the mirror one last time. The black dress clung nicely to the body she was too afraid to show off. It wasn't too revealing in any aspect, as it stopped just slight above the knee and wrapped all the way up to her neck. But the back, the back was low cut, dipping just above the lower back dimples playing peek a boo with the fabric.
She ran her fingers through her straight blonde hair and applied a single coat of strawberry chapstick.
She was ready for her first, and last, high school party. Or so she thought.
"Wow, you look beautiful," Zane gushed as he kissed her cheek. "Really beautiful."
She smiled, nervously putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Hey, don't be nervous," he smirked, pulling her hand away from her face and holding it within his own, "I'm not gonna let anything happen to my girl."
My girl.
The words echoed in her head, causing her heart to beat just a little bit faster.
"Can I take one picture? Just one and I promise I won't bo-"
"Of course," Zane smiled, wrapping his arm around her lower back. "Smile babe," he whispered into her ear.
And she did.
"Ugh, so perfect," her mother gushed. "Be safe and have fun! Remember to call me if you need a ride or anything!" She called out as Zane ushered Sophia into the passenger seat.
"Bye mom!" Sophia yelled, waving goodbye.
"You really do look beautiful," Zane said, pulling Sophia's hand to his lips.
"So you've said," she grinned.
✦ ✦ ✦
The first hour was extremely awkward. The looks, the snide comments, the "accidental" bumps and "watch where you're goings".
The second hour, wasn't quite as bad.
"Soph, I would maybe slow down on the punch a little."
"Why? It's delicious!"
Zane just laughed, "because it's spiked," he whispered into her ear.
"Spiked?" she repeated, looking down into the bright red concoction of her third cup. No wonder she had started feeling a little numb on the tongue. "Oh, well I guess I'll take a water please?"
Zane smiled, tossing her cold water bottle. "Good choice," he laughed, taking her hand and leading her into the living room.
Music was streaming loudly from the various speakers set up. Bodies were meshed tightly together in the center of the floor, dancing as alcohol dripped from their pores.
"Hey, wanna dance?"
Sophia looked up to see a very underdressed Kenzie, sucking away on a pink straw, eyes locked on Zane.
He looked from Sophia to Kenzie. "I'm good," he answered, pulling Sophia closer to his side. With a huff and roll of the eyes, she pushed past the two.
"You could have danced if you wanted," Sophia finally said.
"Are you offering?" he smirked back.
✦ ✦ ✦
"You ready to leave beautiful?" Zane asked, seeing Sophia sitting alone outside.
"Oh, um I was just getting some air."
"Sky's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" he said, sitting down next to her, his eyes gazing up at the black sky.
"Yeah," she sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"Liar," he teased. "Talk to me. Do you wanna leave?"
Just as Sophia was about to answer, Micah came storming out of the house. "Zane!" he called, "Zane I need you inside. Now!"
Zane sighed heavily, "I'll be right back."
"I'm coming with you," Sophia said, standing up. Zane simply smiled and took her hand.
"What's going on?" Zane asked upon entering the living room. An unfamiliar figure was standing in the center of the room, talking to Kian.
Sophia froze.
"Zane, I don't know if you had the pleasure of meeting my cousin." Kian grinned, turning the figure around. "I want you to meet Kyle. Kyle Banks."

Saving Sophia ✔️
Teen FictionSophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane Hartley, the most popular boy at Presley Prep, takes interest in the school's biggest nobody. Things take a dark and dangerous turn, and on...