His heart dropped.Never, in his wildest dreams would he have imagined standing here with just days until graduation. And yet, here he was. Mrs. Layne clung onto him for dear life, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. He tried his hardest to remain calm, his hand running slowly up and down the broken woman's back. But he wasn't strong enough. His chest tightened, he couldn't breathe anymore, the tears he fought to hold back came crashing down like waterfalls.
Together they cried, together they hung onto each other, afraid to let go incase they too fell to pieces.
"I'm- I'm so sorry Mrs. Layne," he croaked. "It's all my fault."
She looked up at him through teary eyes. "Don't say that," she whispered, resting her head against his chest, "she was long gone before you. Long, long before you."
"Ahem, Mrs. Layne?" The doctor cleared his throat. Still holding onto Zane, her head turned to look at the doctor. "We have her hooked up to life support. She's in an induced coma with hopes that her body may rest while we try to repair the extensive damage. She's stable for the time being, but with severe head trauma, we just never know from minute to minute."
"Can I- can I see her?" she trembled.
"Yes. But only one at a time," he stated, looking at Zane.
Zane nodded, softly pushing her away. "Go, go be with your daughter." She gave his hand a tight lingering squeeze before following the doctor in.
✦ ✦ ✦
"Sophia," he breathed, placing her hand within his own. "I-I don't know what to say. It hurts, it hurts so bad, to see you like this. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for anything bad to happen to you. If I would have known this would have happened, I would have left with you in a heartbeat. I would never have stayed at that party, I would never have beat that fucker to a pulp. All I wanted to do was save you, Sophia. And I failed. I failed you."
He paused, taking in her swollen face. This wasn't the Sophia he knew. She didn't have deeply bruised, puffy eyes. She didn't have a cut up lip, or damaged nose. No, the Sophia he knew was perfect. Simply perfect.
He gulped, squeezing her hand. "When you wake up and break out of this joint, I'm taking you to meet my Nan. She would absolutely love you." He swallowed again, fighting back the tears threatening to unleash fury at any moment. "Sophia, I-I love you. I fucking love you. So you can't leave me, you can't leave me yet. I need you! I need you here with me!" His head dropped as he choked on his tears. His chest heaved heavily as he sobbed desperately into her side. "I love you Sophia Layne. I love you."
✦ ✦ ✦
"Here, I thought you should see this," Mrs. Layne tried to smile, handing Zane the cellphone. She squeezed his shoulder before walking out of the now empty waiting room. It had been 34 hours since he stepped foot inside. 34 hours since his world crashed down around him. 34 hours since she ultimately slipped away from him.
He looked down at the now glowing screen, a new bout of tears seeping out of his ruined vision.
I honestly don't know where to begin. At first, I was furious, furious with you! I couldn't believe you let my secret slip in front of all those cruel and hateful people. I thought I could trust you. And then I was hurt. I was hurt to the core. I let you in, thinking I was safe with you. And you let me down. And then I was disappointed in you. Disappointed that you failed me. You promised to protect me, and you failed me. I thought you could save me, but you couldn't. Because here I sit, on this same bypass I've spent many nights sitting on, contemplating whether I deserved to live or not. And then it dawned on me. You DID save me. You saved me in ways I didn't even know existed. You showed me that not all people are the same. You showed me nothing but kindness, nothing but willingness to be something I was so desperately in need of. A friend. Even if I didn't deserve you, or your friendship, I had it. And for the short time I had it, I cherished it. I know I didn't show it, but please just know how much you mean to me. You mean more to me than I could ever express. And finally, I just want to say thank you. I don't know exactly what I'm thanking you for, simply because the list is never ending. So I will just say thank you. Please don't hate me for what I'm about to do. This is bigger than you, bigger than me, bigger than us. This is something that has been creeping up on me for a long time now. And I no longer can fight it. I do have one last favor to ask, and I hope it's not too much. But do you think you could look after my mom for me? She is going to be utterly devastated and I don't want her to give up like I did. She adores you and I know she would love to keep you around. You just can't leave her too. You're a good guy, so I know I can count on you :) Well, the traffic is at a much heavier flow now, so I know my time is just about up. One last thing, check your messages in my phone. I think you would be pleased. After all the hassle you gave me and all about being unknown ;) Oh, and Zane? One final thing before I go, I just want you to know .. I love you. I have loved you for a while now, but I guess you could say I was too stubborn to figure out a way to tell you. But I do, I love you. And thank you for defending my honor. You were my angel on earth, and now, I'm hoping now I can be your angel from above. Don't forget me, for I will never, ever, forget you.
Love, SophiaHe closed the screen and trembling, he opened her messages. There was only one person - My Angel.
He smiled. "My angel," he whispered.

Saving Sophia ✔️
Roman pour AdolescentsSophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane Hartley, the most popular boy at Presley Prep, takes interest in the school's biggest nobody. Things take a dark and dangerous turn, and on...