He placed the cap and gown neatly on the empty chair next to him. He clutched the piece of paper against his racing heart. Never would he imagine having to hear the eulogy of a passing classmate at his own graduation. He looked a few seats down. Kenzie sat there, toying with a perfectly curled strand of hair. Beside her was Kian. He seethed at the sight of his former best friend. Behind him he felt the warmth of a hand clutch onto his shoulder. His own hand rested on top."You got this man," Micah whispered reassuringly. Zane simply nodded.
"And now, we would like to welcome your class elected speaker, Zane Hartley."
The stadium broke out in a round of applause as he made his way to the stage.
"Thank you Mr. Holden. And thank you graduating class of 2019!" He smiled, looking out into the crowd of people. He took a deep breath. "Today is the day we have spent the last 12 years working towards. Countless hours of studying, many sleepless nights working on papers we procrastinated on writing until the night before they were do. To the months of practice for extra curricular activities and sports, to all the friendships we built along over the years. At this time, I would like to just take a moment to remember one very special friendship I was personally beyond lucky to have; to the life of one of us who did not make it to her own graduation. Sophia Layne."
He paused, lowering his eyes to his hands trembling, holding onto that piece of paper.
"When this is all said and done," he continued after a moment of silence, "I want each and every one of you to make a promise to yourself. And that promise is to always be the best version of you. To always be kind, especially to those who you suspect need it the most. To always love whole heartedly and never waste a moment letting someone know just what they mean to you. To enjoy every moment, the good with the bad, and cherish just being alive. And if you ever feel like giving up, I urge you to read the attached letter in your program. And with that being said, I want to congratulate all of you on successfully making it through the first chapter of our lives. Congratulations class of 2019! We made it!"
And with that, Zane pumped his fist into the air, looking up at the sky blue blanket above, and mouthed this is for you, Sophia Layne.
Looking down, his finger traced the original copy of the secret she never wanted to be known. To the secret that may just help the next, Sophia Layne.
And he smiled.
✦ ✦ ✦
Dear Sarah,
By the time you read this, I will since then be gone. But please do not fear, I've been watching you grow into a beautiful young lady. I am simply writing you this letter, not only to express my undying love for you, but to explain my absence in your life. And here we go.
It was a Friday night. I was in my sophomore year of high school. I was where you would find any high school student on a Friday night - at the stadium, cheering on our very own Panthers. Well, me, personally, I was cheering on Kyle Banks.
Kyle Banks.
He was gorgeous. Physically speaking of course, as I had learned just how ugly he truly was, after it was too late. He was a senior, and captain of the football team. I, along with almost every other girl at Delrossi High, was absolutely infatuated with him. Rightfully so. He was charismatic, charming, and oh so manipulative.

Saving Sophia ✔️
Novela JuvenilSophia Layne : a name nobody knew; a face nobody recognized; a story not worth being told. That is until Zane Hartley, the most popular boy at Presley Prep, takes interest in the school's biggest nobody. Things take a dark and dangerous turn, and on...