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When I got back into Martin's apartment from my walk in the park the police officer Salinda took turns with the policeman Fabian. So he will watch me from outside and the suroundings around the apartment. I turned on the TV and watched the news. I saw a report about Martin again and realised there was nothing new. His family and friends didn't know where he was. At his work they didn't know anything eighter. He didn't left any hints where he went, the police searched the house in the early morning. I couldn't really sleep at night because I was so worried. I was sure something happend to him. But he was strong and could defend himself, so there must be more then two men who could have attacked him and kidnapped him.

Hopefully he was okay but I wasn't so sure. What if he got taken because of me? What should I do? Did the mysterious person had anything to do with this? I looked at my phone. There was a new message. "I am close." Oh my God. Another threat. A cold shiver went down my back. I hoped I was save because of the police. They will protect me. I had to trust them. I took a deep breath and ate some potato chips. Zapping through the TV program I found a movie I liked. Hopefully it will calm me down. It was a fantasy film about knights and dragons. After a while I got myself an orange juice.

For dinner I just ate a sandwich and read in the fantasy book about angels I have from Martin's bookshelf. I read till 8 pm and talked to Fabian a little. I asked him if they had any news about Martin but they didn't find anything yet. Then I took a shower in the bathroom and prepared for bed.

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