(36) Returning Our Dreams

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“Hiccup?” Jack asked, still on the ground as he started to sit up. “What are you doing here?”

      “What?” said Hiccup as he got off Toothless, “You really expect us to let you guys have all the fun while we wait at the North Pole?”

      “Aye,” said Merida as Angus neighed, “That’s just crazy talking.”

      Jack sighed, “Look, about what happened with Easter, I didn’t mean any of it to―”

      “I know it wasn’t your fault,” Hiccup said. He rubbed his the back of his neck nervously, “In fact, there’s something that you should know―”

      Hiccup was caught off as Rapunzel’s eyes widened when she saw Pitch rising on his cloud of Nightmare sand and soon mounted on a Nightmare, blasting a wave of it at the Apprentices.

      “Look out!” cried Rapunzel, blocking the attack with a wave of Dream sand. When the two different sands collided, it caused a flash of light that got the Guardians attention from the ground, looking up at the building that the battle held. Looks like the Apprentices need the Guardians’ help!

      “All yours mate!” Bunnymund called to North as he ran to an opening hole in the ground, North diving in after Bunny.

      Pitch managed to keep blocking every attack the Apprentices thrown at them. From Toothless’s Plasma blasts to Merida’s arrows, as well as Rapunzel’s Dream sand. Finally Pitch spotted Jack in the chaos, trying to dodge the Nightmares that kept spiraling around him. Pitch grinned as he made a spear of Nightmare sand and threw it at Jack, the others to slow to protect him.

      Jack saw at the spear at the corner of his eye, his eyes widened. That is, until Toothiana came out of nowhere and blocked the attack, her wings causing it to disinigrate.

      “Thanks Tooth!” Jack called as she attacked more Nightmares. Bunnymund appeared from the chimney on the roof, calling out, “Ho, ho, ho!” as he threw his boomerang at Pitch. Pitch dodged, but the boomerang managed to disinigrate a couple of his Nightmares.

      North appeared from a different chimney, ready to fight. The only problem is that the fight was on top of the building behind North. He took a quick glance as he said, “Wrong roof!”

      The attacks kept coming towards Pitch as he stood on the back of his Nightmare. He noticed North at the other building, and commanded his Nightmare to lunge toward North as he summoned his scythe. North did the same with his two swords, slicing down the Nightmare which Pitch rode upon. It disinigrated, making Pitch tumble to the ground as he landed on his feet.

      North charged as soon as he landed, striking at Pitch with his swords. Pitch however counterattacked with his scythe, making North tumble slightly. Bunnymund however ran to North and threw a boomerang at Pitch, Merida shooting arrow after arrow at the same target. Pitch managed to dodge, but winced as Rapunzel blasted Dream sand and it hit his shoulder. He tried to strike Rapunzel down with his scythe, only for it to slip to the ground as Toothiana lunged at Pitch, forcing him to lose his grip as he dodged. Hiccup and Toothless appeared on the ground, landing so hard it cause Pitch to lose his balance. Finally Jack lunged at Pitch and kicked him hard in the chest, making Pitch stumble back as both Guardians and Apprentices alike got into their battle stances.

      Meanwhile, the Jamie and his friends have stayed on the ground as they watched the Dream sand flying everywhere in Burgess.

      “Look at that,” Caleb said as he looked at the Dream sand with amazement. Jamie’s eyes beamed as an idea came to his mind, “I got it . . . I know what we have to do!” He gestured for the kids to follow, “Guys, come on!”

      “It’s over Pitch,” Jack growled as he and the Guardians and Apprentices cornered Pitch to a wide alley way, three busses parked behind him. “There’s no place to hide.”

      Pitch studied his former Prince. All Pitch’s hard work to corrupt the child, to turn him into the perfect Prince of Nightmares, gone. Just like that. That’s when a smile crept to his lips as an idea came to him. Perhaps there’s still time, Pitch thought.

      Laughing, he dissolved into darkness as his shadow kept creeping along the walls. Confusion spread the heroes as they tried to pin point were Pitch would pop up next, Jack backing up as he gripped his staff, Toothless growling slightly. That’s when Hiccup noticed Pitch rising behind Jack, unaware of his presence as Pitch lifted his scythe.

      “Jack look out!” Hiccup screamed with desperation. Merida saw and quickly fired an arrow to stop Pitch from hurting Jack, but it only harmlessly bounced off of Pitch’s weapon. Jack turned, his heart beating as Pitch started to strike Jack down and corrupt him again. However, just as Pitch was about to strike, a familiar whip of Dream sand came out of nowhere, grabbing Pitch’s wrist from behind. Pitch screamed as he was sent flying back, his face being dragged into the snow. When Pitch looked up, he gulped as a flurry of Dream sand glowed brighter and brighter, until finally the owner of the whip came out, being none other than the Sandman himself. Rapunzel’s eyes widened as a smile of joy appeared on her face, as well as Jack and the others.

      “Sandy! He’s back!” cried Rapunzel.

      Pitch yelped as Sandy tugged the whip that held Pitch’s wrist so that they were both eye to eye. Sandy then moved his finger in a no-no gesture, and swung his arm as he punched Pitch in the chin, sending him flying straight into the night sky, still attached to the whip as Sandy held one end.

      “The Sandman!” Jamie called as he and the other kids came over. The other kids cheered as a hat made out of Dream sand formed on top of Sandy’s head, and took it off as he saluted. Jamie saluted as well.

      Sandy’s hat disappeared has he tugged on the whip, Pitch yelling as he came tumbling down and crashed onto the ground behind him, butterflies out of Dream sand flying in a circle around Pitch’s head as he was knocked out.

      The Guardians cheered as North picked Sandy up and lifted him in the sky, Bunnymund grinning, “You are a sight for sore eyes. Welcome back mate.”

      Sandy grinned as he was sent down, immediately receiving a hug from Rapunzel as she kneeled, tears forming in her eyes as her voice croaked, “I missed you.”

      The Sandman patted his Apprentice’s back, looking at her face as he wiped the tears out of her eyes with his finger. Hiccup and Merida grinned at the sight. Rapunzel smiled, finally giving him space as Sandy formed a cloud of Dream sand under his feet, lifting himself in the air as he send many trails of Dream sand, sending dreams to many children around the world. Although the Guardians were at Burgess, Baby Tooth and her sisters were still back at Pitch’s liar, watching as more and more lights filled the on his Globe of Belief until finally, Baby Tooth was able to fly. The same goes for her sisters as they headed for the piles of Teeth Boxes, touching them as they awakened the owners’ most precious memories of childhood.

      The trails of Dream sand kept going back in Burgess as Sophie finally woke up and noticed a golden butterfly out of Dream sand through her closed window. She jumped with excitement, crying out, “Pretty!” as she ran out the door to go explore the new Dream sand wonderland.

      As a Nightmare tried to charge at Cupcake, it stopped when Cupcake touched its snout and it instantly morphed to a unicorn out of Dream sand. The Unicorn nudged Cupcake and galloped away. As Jack and Hiccup watched, they both scattered out of the way as d=Dream sand dinosaurs walked along as well.

      “Okay, who the heck is dreaming about dinosaurs?!” Hiccup complained as North laughed at the sight, Jack and Hiccup heading to his side. There were even Dream sand sting rays as they flew in the sky, Merida and Rapunzel both looking up as they smiled with delight. The kids laughed as they saw Dream sand dolphins, also flying as they circled around and passing them, snowflakes out of Dream sand falling from the sky.

      There’s no doubt about it: it was the most beautiful thing Jack Frost and Hiccup Haddock ever saw in their life.

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