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Warnings: There is a trigger warning of brief mentions of both physical and sexual assault

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Warnings: There is a trigger warning of brief mentions of both physical and sexual assault. And she ends up pregnant by said abuse.

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me apart from my OC characters and the little of the plot. The rest belongs to Stephanie Meyer.


In the North West of the Olympic Peninsula was a small town surrounded by forests that was called Forks, Washington which was mostly under a blanket of clouds. Deep in the forests on the outskirts of town lived the Cullen family otherwise know as the Olympic Coven, a Coven of vegetarian vampires. They had just recently moved back to this small logging town, little over a year and a half ago. Currently they were all at home relaxing doing their own things.

The Coven leader Carlisle Cullen one of the towns most coveted doctors was relaxing at home with his family spending some quality time with his wife. As they both relaxed in each other's arms on the loveseat as they read their favourite books. Alice was sat on the sofa next to her sister Rosalie while both of them looked through magazines of their choice, Alice a fashion magazine and Rosalie a sports car one. While their mates Emmett and Dean sat in front of the T.V. playing Mario kart on the console, they have been having a competition all day.

While Jasper and Edward the two other coven members who had yet to find their mates were sat at the small table playing chess when Alice gasped dropping the magazine she had been reading previously as vision struck her. Dean rushed over to his mate wrapping his arms around her comforting her as they all waited to know what she'd seen. By the look on Edward's face it wasn't anything good. "What is it Ally what did you see?" Dean asked his mate concerned instead of answering her mate Alice turned to look behind her at her best friend with tears in her eyes that would never fall. "Oh, Jasper. I'm so sorry." Alice exclaimed worrying the other members of her family.

"What Alice? What is it?" He asked concerned praying it was nothing to do with his mate. Alice had told him about his mate when they had first met so many years ago. But as fate would have it he wasn't so lucky. "It's Annalyssa...she....she I'm sorry I didn't see anything before now." Alice cried feeling horrible.
"What Alice!?" Jasper exclaimed panicked as he felt as if his dead heart was being crushed.
"Her boyfriend has been beating her for months. And she's been through what Rose went through, she's still alive her step-dad luckily came home and saved her." Edward told them when he saw Alice couldn't. Everyone sucked in a breath at that. Rosalie and Esme felt their heart clenching for the poor girl having gone through something similar.

"Is she...?" Emmett asked unsure how to finish. Edward shook his head opening his mouth to speak but Alice cut him off.
"No Edward I need to tell him." Alice gasped feeling horrible for her best friend and his mate. "She was the only one home with her boyfriend Jackson just watching movies. Her twin, Edward's blood singer was at her friends, her mum and step-dad out for a date night. She had just left the room for five minutes to use the bathroom. And he let his three friends into the house that had been waiting outside when she came back Jackson beat her as his friends laughed and they held her down while he....while he.....rapped her." Alice paused gasping for breath as she told the dreadful tale holding onto Dean's hand tightly.

As she gathered herself together a little she continued. "They took turns, she was nearly unconscious when her step-dad came back, her mother had forgotten her phone and saved her she was beaten quite badly. He was furious. He threw them off of her shouting for her mother who was in the car and wrapped a blanket around Annalyssa." Alice finished as Jasper roared in anger throwing the chess table through the window. "I have to save her. Where is she Alice?!" Jasper demanded as the Major took full control. "It's too late now Major." Edward told him slowly backing away as the Major was in control. "You'll get there as the police and ambulance arrive. She ends up pregnant from him."

Jasper took off into the forest to hunt before the Major took his rage out on his family for what had happened to his sweet, sweet mate he felt like a failure. "I never wanted someone to go through what I did." Rosalie said softly tears and anger in her eyes much like everyone else in the room, as Emmett wrapped his arms around his mate holding her tight to him. "That poor girl she must be wishing she was dead. I know I did."
"We'll help her, she's family. Is she moving here Alice? Edward go after Jasper make sure he's alright after....this?" Carlisle asked sadly his heart going out to the poor girl. Edward nodded and took off into the forest after his brother.
"Yes, she'll be moving in with Charlie with her sister when she's six months. She couldn't go through with an abortion, she doesn't believe in it." Alice said softly not that her, Rose or Esme could blame her. Though the child was conceived through a terrible ordeal it wasn't the child's fault.

"Emmett how about we go and teach those...things a lesson?" Dean asked his brother growling. Emmett nodded cracking his knuckles a malicious grin on his face as he stood up. "I'm right with you brother."
"No." Alice disagreed. "They are in prison now and you can't kill them unless you want the Volturi after us. Carlisle, Anna's sister hates her and will make her life more of a misery when they find out she's pregnant. Edward introduces her to us but she's not his mate only his singer." Alice told her father figure worriedly.
"Don't worry Alice we'll deal with everything as it comes." Carlisle assured his youngest daughter. "Right now we need to help and reassure Jasper until Annalyssa arrives and reassure him he's not a failure. We will also support Annalyssa when the time comes." He said firmly, as they waited for their two Coven members to return home.

" He said firmly, as they waited for their two Coven members to return home

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