Chapter Six, The School trip and Waylons Death

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(Annalyssa's outfit for the trip is above)

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(Annalyssa's outfit for the trip is above).

Chapter Six, The School trip and Waylon's Death

The next morning we were going on a school trip to one of the Greenhouses for Biology. I groaned as I switched my alarm off on my phone heading into the bathroom for a shower, doing my morning routine before coming back into my bedroom to get dressed. I quickly changed into black jeans with a red pattern on them, a plain black top, red cardigan, red hooded coat, black ankle boots, a black choker and a gold bracelet with my small red rucksack. I decided on natural makeup and bright red lip stick and left my hair in its natural curls.

Entering the kitchen I noticed dad wasn't here, he must have left early for work. No doubt still trying to find out what happened to the security guard, which I knew was vampires I just wish he would be careful. I was brought out of my thoughts by my phone vibrating in my pocket. Grabbing it I saw it was a text from Jasper saying he would be here in five minutes. I quickly finished my tea and my breakfast I ran upstairs carefully, brushed my teeth and woke Bella up.
"Hi babe." I greeted smiling happily at Jasper wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist. "Hello darling. You look beautiful as always." Jasper purred kissing me passionately. "Come on we better get to school." I said giggling at Jasper who sighed as we got in his car and drove off to school.

"Hi guys." I greeted hugging everyone except Edward.
"Hello shortie." Emmett teased. I playfully glared at him and stuck my tongue out which he copied. "Nice lipstick Jasper." Emmett teased letting out a booming laugh attracting everyone's attention. Rosalie and I rolled our eyes and smacked him. "That hurt!" Emmett pouted making me giggle as I rolled my eyes at him.
"Oh, Anna we have to get you a dress for prom soon. You're coming!" Alice said in a no argument voice. Rosalie looked at her 'younger sister' with an eyebrow raised. "You do know it's two months after she gives birth right?" Rosalie asked Alice. It was Alice's turn to roll her eyes. "So!" Alice scoffed. "She can still come I'm sure her dad will look after Willow or Esme."

Jasper shook his head at Alice sharing a look with Dean and Emmett. Sometimes there was no arguing with Alice when she sets her mind on something. "Well, if I'm being forced to come it's a good thing Jasper already asked me then." I sassed making Alice pout, I giggled and gave her a hug as everyone laughed. Before anyone could say anything else we heard a voice from behind us. "Err... Annalyssa!" Bella's friend Mike said clearing his throat awkwardly as Jasper stared at him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?" He asked. I starred at crossing my arms over my chest and raising my eyebrow at him.

'Is he for real? Did he seriously just ask when he knows I'm dating Jasper.' I thought how stupid could one person be? "You do know I'm dating Jasper right? So obviously I'm going with him as Jasper asked me to go already!" I sassed at him. Rubbing Jasper's arm, that were around my waist, soothingly as he glared at Mike. I knew he was refraining himself from snarling.

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