Chapter Four, Explanations

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(Outfit above is what she wears to school)

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(Outfit above is what she wears to school).
Seventh month:

Chapter Four, Explanations

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Chapter Four, Explanations

Annalyssa's P.O.V:

Bella and I have been in Forks for a month now and during that time Jasper and I have grown even closer. It helped that we had a History project to do together so we either spent it at mine or his working on it together. He even attended my scans with me and we also hanged out a lot at the weekend if I wasn't at the Rez, or shopping or hanging out with Rose and Alice. But even then I spent the afternoon at his house watching a movie with all of them or playing games with Emmett and Dean, or watching them play against Jasper, both of his parents were really nice and very welcoming.

I had split my time equally amongst my friends alternating which weekend I spend with the Cullens and which I spent at the Rez with all of my friends there who were very happy to see me and I them. I missed them greatly while I was in Arizona and they help me take my mind off missing my friends in Arizona. We had bonfires on the beach, BBQs or sat watching some films at someone's house or going to the cinema, catching up as I hadn't seen them since the summer. A few weeks after Bella and I moved to Forks, Jasper and I were the only ones at his house as his family were 'camping'. But he didn't want to go so we spent the day watching movies and relaxing together when he had asked me out and I had happily agreed. I had found out he had asked dad for permission which I thought was sweet and surprisingly enough dad liked him, though he did threaten Jasper with his rifle.

For our first date we went to the this beautiful valley filled with different flowers in the middle of the woods that had a stream with a small waterfall running through it. Jasper had set up a romantic picnic with blankets, candles and cushions. We had an amazing time talking, messing around a little and eating what he had packed in the basket (well I was as Jasper was on a special diet, I knew what he was but I would wait until he told me in his own time), and cuddling. We even had our first kiss as the setting sun shined on the water. It was absolutely magical. We've been dating for two weeks now and we've only been here a month but Jasper was a complete gentleman and only did what I was comfortable with which I was grateful for.

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