Chapter Sixteen, First Christmas

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(Above is Anna's and Willow's outfit)

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(Above is Anna's and Willow's outfit)

Chapter Sixteen, First Christmas

I smiled watching Jasper hold Willow above his head as she cried with laughter. She looked adorable with her pink patterned bow in her hair, matching skirt, pink tights, white shoes, a white bodysuit reading, 'I'm Daddy's girl and my Mummy's world'. That Rosalie had brought her which was true to be honest. I could spend hours just watching the two of them together. I can't believe she's eight months old now and Jasper and I are sharing our first Christmas together.
"Who's ready to open some presents?" Dad shouted up the stairs.
"You look gorgeous darlin." Jasper said turning around Willow now on his hip spotting me in the doorway.

His eyes rolled over the red top, black leather skirt, thick black tights and matching black leather boots I was sporting, a lustful glint shinning in his honey golden eyes.
"Thank you, and you look incredibly handsome." I said pecking his lips looking over his dark wash tight fit jeans, black boots and dark grey jumper that was almost black.
"Why thank you Ma'am." Jasper smirked kissing me sweetly but passionately.

"There you are." Dad smiled as we entered the living room Willow's attention immediately drawn to the lights on the Christmas tree. "Come on. Come on." Dad said excited as we were as it was Willow's first Christmas. Jasper and I sat on the floor Willow in between my legs and Jasper next to us, Dad was sat in his armchair and Bella was in her room refusing to come down.

I knew Dad was getting fed up and would be talking to her after the holidays. It had been a rather busy Christmas so far, and it was only Christmas Day. Christmas Eve we had spent it at the Cullens playing family games and watching films. And tomorrow we would be spending it at the Rez, Jasper was allowed on there if I was with him, but he would be spending it hunting and playing the new games I got Emmett and Dean. As per their demand, stating they hardly played games with Jasper anymore. Which wasn't true as we were round their as much as possible, but that was just them.

Once again Willow and I had been rather spoiled, I dread what her first birthday will be like. Willow had gotten a large assortment of toys, clothes mainly from Mum, the girls (Amelia, Sam, Kristen and Chloe), and Alice, and a baby Walker from Dad. I much like Willow, had gotten a large assortment of clothes  and makeup from them. I had gotten the Cullen crest necklace from Esme and Carlisle, Willow getting the same for when she is older. Jasper had gotten me roses like he did for our sixth month anniversary, as in February it would be our first year anniversary. He had also gotten me a bracelet that matched the necklace Rosalie had gotten me for my birthday.

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