Chapter One, Moving to Forks

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A/N: For the purpose of this story Annalyssa and Bella move to Forks the beginning of January and is set in current time not 2005

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A/N: For the purpose of this story Annalyssa and Bella move to Forks the beginning of January and is set in current time not 2005.

Chapter One, Moving to Forks

Annalyssa's P.O.V:

It was January 2nd and I was finally moving back to Forks to live with my dad permanently along with my older twin sister Isabella or Bella as she likes to be called. Although, I have no idea why she wanted to go as she hated Forks just like mum did. Whereas, I loved the small town and being surrounded by nature. They hated it, they liked the hustle and bustle of a city. Don't get me wrong I love living with my mum and my stepdad Phil, who was a minor league baseball player and moved around a lot for his job, mum stayed home with us but she missed Phil. It was one reason why I wanted to move in with dad to make mum happy but also because this house and Arizona holds a lot of bad memories for me.

Six months ago I was attacked and raped by my ex-boyfriend Jackson and his friends. I was the only one home alone with him, which made me wary and scared as he could be abusive towards me; Bella was at a friends and mum and Phil were out on a date. It had been going okay until I left for the bathroom and when I came back he had let his friends in who had been waiting outside and that happened.

I thought I was going to die but luckily Phil came back home as mum had forgotten her phone. He was furious and threw them off me shouting for my mum; wrapped a blanket around me while calling the police and an ambulance. Suffice to say they learned what had been going on for the majority of our two years together. Which made my mum feel extremely guilty as she spent most of her time with Bella and didn't notice what was going on. I tried telling her it was fine but she ignored me.

They had immediately been arrested and then sent to prison after the whole court process, and a month later I found out I was pregnant. Bella who had always hated me, which I don't understand why, but then she had always wanted everyone to herself and wanted all the attention on herself. She had let slip within Phil's hearing that I deserved what had happened to me, calling me whore for wanting to keep the baby (even though I was greatly upset when I found out). Mum, Phil and Dad were not happy was a severe understatement; she had been grounded for five months. Mum who understood my reasons for wanting to keep the baby, as we both didn't believe in abortion and after a while Phil and dad came round too. Now I was six months pregnant with my baby girl and moving to Forks with Bella who hasn't spoken a word to me which I was thankful for as it was mostly hateful remarks.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my baby girl giving me swift kick. Rubbing my stomach to soothe my daughter I stood in my room looking around to make sure I had everything and all my photo frames were wrapped safely in bubble wrap when there was a knock on my bedroom door. Looking up from my suitcase I saw my mum stood there holding a wrapped parcel out to me. "Mum?" What's that? You didn't have to get me anything." I said walking over to her.
"I know sweetie." Mum said tears filling her eyes. "I'm just so sorry about what happened to you and in my own house.

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