Chapter Two, New School

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(Annalyssa's outfit above)

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(Annalyssa's outfit above)

Chapter Two, New School

Annalyssa's P.O.V:

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groaned as I turned the alarm off on my phone, looking at the time I saw it was 6:30. I sighed rubbed my eyes as I stretched. Before climbing out of my nice warm bed grabbing my towel as I head towards the bathroom for a shower. Once the water was warm enough I stripped out of my pyjamas putting them on the sink to place back in my room. Climbing in I sighed in content as the hot water hit my skin warming and waking me up. Grabbing the razor I quickly shaved, then washed my hair with the raspberry shampoo and conditioner before washing with my honey and shea butter shower creme once I was finished I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body and then my hair holding it out of the way as I quickly cleansed my face, dried myself off and put on some body cream and deodorant before heading back to my room.

Luckily I had laid out my clothes last night and quickly changed into my black lace underwear, black ripped skinny maternity jeans, white socks, suede beige ankle boots and a light roll-neck sleeveless beige top. Once I was dressed I sat at my vanity table drying off my hair putting some anti frizz cream into it before brushing it and deciding to leave it in its natural curls. Looking back in the mirror I decided to go with natural makeup and pink lipstick which I would put on after I had some breakfast and brushed my teeth. Just as I thought that I got a hard kick from Willow.

"I know my love, mummy is going to grab some breakfast now." I said to my baby girl rubbing my stomach to soothe her. Leaving my room I grabbed my black leather jacket and headed downstairs seeing dad sitting at the kitchen table eating his toast while reading the newspaper. "Morning daddy. Do you want some coffee? I'm going to make myself a tea?" I asked as I filled the kettle setting it to boil. "Morning Princess how're you and Willow? And yes please?" Dad said looking up from the newspaper. I nodded turning back ground grabbing two mugs from cupboard putting coffee grounds in one and a teabag in the other. As I was putting milk on my weetabix with banana and raisins I heard the shower running.

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