An overly pleasant surprise.

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And I was right. Oh my God, I WAS RIGHT!!!! 

Michael Clifford walked into the room. He saw I was awake.

"Oh, hey how you feeling?" he asked. I said nothing. "I didn't mean to wake you, but I needed my pick and it stays here in my room so...". He smiled. I didn't say anything. "Hey, you okay?" And I did what any other member of the family would have done: SCREAM.

Michael covered his ears and Luke, Calum and Ashton came running in. I covered my mouth.

" Guess you're up" Ashton said laughing.

"Hey, how you feeling? How's the wound? Feeling better?" Calum asked, sounding worried.

I nooded, overwhelmed. And then Luke croutched beside me.

"Umm, Hi we're 5SOS- " Luke said

"I know" I whispered, interrupting Luke. "I'm Iliana."

Luke laughed and asked "do you wanna be alone?" 

"Nooo, I'm absolutely fine" I said in a split second.

They all laughed.

"Where exactly am I?" I asked, curious.

"On our tour bus" said Michael.


"Yea" Calum said, with a reassuring smile

"What? When? how?" I asked

"Well, after you blacked out Luke got you to the bus" said Ashton.

"Yea, you fell near the washroom. We asked the guard outside what happened and he told us about umm... Dean and that girl" said Luke.

"Oh" I said, frowning

" So, we spoke to that idiot and the four of us made a unanimous descision to take you on the tour with us, cos we cannot leave a member of the family behind, can we?" said Calum, giving me a thumbs up.

"Nope, we cannot and also-" Said Michael before Aston interrupted him 

"You're pretty!"

"Yea.. That. Thanks for letting me speak, Ash" Said Michael, giving Ashton a very sarcastic smile.

Luke laughed. Well, I was just blushing the whole time. 

Then Luke looked at me and said "Freshen up, we're travelling to Melbourne for a 2nd show there and then we're back to Sydney and we'll figure out what to do then, okay?"

"Okay, thankyou so much, guys" I said 

"Don't mention it, Iliana" they said, with 4 very warm smiles.

 I freshened up and went to the part of the bus where they were, and sat down.

Funnily, we got along really really well. I got to know them, they got know me. It was quite cool, honestly. We got weirdly close in just about one night. Confession- I caught Luke looking at me, but i was pretty sur it was unintentional. At about 3 the guys said goodnight and gave me a hug each *Major squeals*


I couldn't sleep. The fact that at this moment Dean and Evelyn were together doing God knows what made me quite upset, and I donno why.

The bus stopped for a 10 minute break, which the driver obviously needed. So I decided to step out. The stars were twinkling. When suddenly,

" Planning on running away?"

" From you guys? You clearly don't know me well enough, Hemmings." I said laughing.

" Yea well, Im not a stalker, Hope" He said mocking me.

" Then why do you know my last name?"

" That's a secret" He said, trying to be all scary.

" On a more serious note.. you okay?" He asked

" I guess" I said


"well, there's always hope" I said, intending the pun.

"There is always Hemmings too, you know?" He said

" Oh, really?" I asked.

"Yea, mostly for a pretty girl like you."

I couldn't help but go red.

He broke the silence, " Hey, it's pretty cold, right?"

"Yea" I said.

He put his arm around me and said, " Aah, much better"

I looked up at him. He gave me the warmest smile ever. And I thought to myself, "Gosh Luke, wehere were you all my life?"

 Was it possible to get over someone in one night?

Was it possible to fall for someone in one night?" Luke made it seem that way.

Was there really something like love at first sight? Luke made it seem like that existed. 

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