My happily ever after.

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Iliana's POV

I opened the door, only to find Luke there. 

"Luke, hi, what you doing here?"

"Iliana, I have to tell you something"


"Please don't freak out"

"What is it, Luke? Is everything okay?"

"Yea, it's just... Okay here goes, you know that day at the concert when I pointed at you from stage? From the second I saw you, you stole my heart. But i wasn't sure we would meet again,  but then i saw you near the washrooms and i ran to see if you were okay, when you didn't reply i picked you up and got you to the bus. Then the days we spent together, they were magical. From the minute i saw you smile my heart just ,melted and I fell for you, like crazy. And little did i know that behind that perfect smile is a perfect person. My perfect person."

I was stunned, i had tears in my eyes. "Luke.." i said

Before i could say anything he got down on one knee

"So Iliana all im saying is please be mine, forever. If in ten days i could feel like i knew you forever, i'd really want a forever with you." He pulled out the ring we saw together at the gift shop.

" I knew how much you liked, but the diamond ones in my pocket too" he said, smiling

"Luke, oh my god.. I can't believe this"

"Iliana Hope, I love you. Will you be mine forever?"

"Oh my God, yes!" I screamed and jumped into his arms

"I love you" he said

"I love you, too. See, you were always a stalker, Hemmings"

"I know, Hope, I know" 

"Your such a dork" I laughed

"Yea, but im your dork" he smiled 


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