Chapter 1 [ Hired ]

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Scott  P.O.V

         "Bleh!" I groaned dissatisfied ,this damn red hair of mine simply refused to not look great. I know what you're thinking , Scott how is that even a problem?  You gotta understand, my new boss might not like that  I'm so attractive. . . but hey , at least I do look good. I should also  get out of this fancy ass bathroom, before my new boss fires me before I can even start.

" Right this way ,Sir ." The Butler , I guess ? Said directing me into an office , through a white oak door , I guess he doesn't like , that I'm here to take his job. I stood in the room, patiently awaiting my soon to be Master . . . fingers crossed.

" Sit ! " A command surrounded me ,causing me to slightly shiver from the baritone effect.  The new Master voice had  a sexy effect , my my ,how enticing . Slowly I sat on the chair provided, directly ahead of the large Mahogany  desk .
           Damn ! This place is fancy, it appeared to be prestigious.  Nothing however , could've prepared me for the absolute beauty that was ,the Master . His black hair was neat , yet a few strands fell astray into his golden eyes ,which edged to perfection with a pure ebony . His soft pastel lips were hypnotic and his body stood six feet , his black suit was well tailored to his body and covered with a ebony trench coat.  All which added to his sexual appeal .

Swiftly, I averted my crimson gaze . Funny how I'd always thought of myself as a man filled with color . Yet as I stood to greet the Master , my burgundy suit ,red hair and eyes seemed dull once compared to the ethereal beauty that was the Master .
" I am Luca Silveira, heir of the now deceased Lord Ciel Silveira and owner of all Silver Industries." Luca said . Damn ! Even his voice is so damn sexy and the name ouuu . His Irish accent feeds to my imagination ,though I guess it's my turn .
" It's the highest honor and pleasure , My Lord to stand here in your presence . I am Scott Michaelis , simply an unemployed butler . " I replied, bowing formally to the sexy Lord Silveira. 
" I've heard honourable things about you Scott . Exclusively from my Butler and of course all your previous employers , along with Charles . " Lord Sexy said . Hmmm great reviews ,how promising  .

  "Well my Lord , I am simply one hell of a Butler ." I said to him . It was my first favorite thing to say . I felt highly optimistic until I saw the most amazing sight , Lord Silveira smile . That one move sent my heart into over drive . .  . I'm definitely in love.
" Well Scott ,you'll have the job once you pass my test . " Lord Silveira said , motioning for me to follow along as he exited the room .

We went through the long corridor that  I had previously entered,  then through the front door and towards the gardens at the back . There were target practice a few feet away , that surrounded the area we were located.  I smiled to myself ,finally a Butler can show off.
" Act as though you were defending me and eliminate your targets.  " He said walking further behind me to observe.  Near my view there stood a long silver table , closer inspection of the table revealed, it laden with various weapons ranging from guns to daggers . I surveyed the table and choose five silver daggers which had a cursive ' S ' encrypted in it  . Next I chose a simple hand gun and a few knives.  I liked to throw things .

 I positioned myself two feet away from the targets and took a deep breath, before I had properly exhaled I swiftly moved around and  threw my daggers , simultaneously each being lodged into the throat or head of a target.  My knives flew next into the heart of its paper victims.  I stopped running and swiftly clicked my gun . The echo of the bullets surrounded me and the smoke from the speed of the bullets rose. Turning around after I emptied the clip , I approached the table to return the weapon before the dust had cleared.  My attention refocused,  when I heard a simple clap from behind me .
" You've done well , I wouldn't have to lift a finger with you around ." Lord Silveira said , his voice filling my senses . I turned and bowed to him in thanks ,my attention turning to see the damage I caused.  A slight smile adorned my face as I saw the bullets that had hit the vital parts of each target ,it would appear that I still  had my skills.  
" Scott Michaelis,  I welcome you to the Silveira family. I expect you serve me well . " Lord Silveira said . He turned away and again motioned me to follow along with him . He looked so delicious from behind,  his ass looked holy in those slacks and his posture elegant and refined , it made me wonder how much he would unravel in the satin sheets of his bed or on the hard mahogany of his office table . Luck struck for me however,  since I was able to pull myself away from my fantasies before I heard his voice again .
" Of course this should be basic knowledge,  but you will be staying here and of course Leon our old butler here will show you to your quarters tomorrow promptly.  " He said his hand gesturing to the butler whom escorted us . It appeared as though he wasn't quite finished speaking so I stayed silent and waited .
" There is one thing that is not required but I will still like to ask of you.  " He said . My interest soared as I wondered what the Lord Silveira could possibly want .
" Of course, My Lord. " I bowed. 
" I'd like if you were to also be my personal bodyguard and of course if you were to agree that would make you my personal butler . We do have other maids around here so there isn't dire need of a butler ,if any at all . " Lord Silveira explained. I pretended to think of my decision but of course I had already decided  . I would love to be close to the man my heart had taken a shine to.
" I accept your terms Lord Silveira,  it would be my utmost pleasure . " I responded.
"Good , in that case I shall see you tomorrow . Don't be tardy.  I expect the best from you ." He said .
" But of course My Lord nothing less for the Lord Silveira. " I bowed once more before I exit his office , which we had returned to throughout our talk from the garden.

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