Chapter 8 [ Really ? ]

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Luca P.O.V
" So you're ok with this , ok with us ? " I asked. 
Kassy had to leave as soon as the fight with Aren was over and now a week later everything was settled and here she was once again in my study .
" Yes Luca , as long as you're happy.  Besides my girlfriend wouldn't like the idea of me marrying off anyway. " Kassy assured me . I loved Kassidy truly she was with me through everything from the day I was brought into this world.  She is My best friend.  I needed to be sure that my relationship was ok with her , I needed to know what she felt about it .  Wait . . .  Are Scott and I even in a relationship? He never really asked me and I never tried to confirm . Is he really ok with being my Lover ?

 " Ah yes , how is Alexis ? " I asked Kassy , turning my thoughts away from the situation in my head a little.  Earlier Kassy had confessed that she was happily dating another woman for some time now and she only asked me about marriage to confirm if Scott and I were serious about each other. 
" She's great actually and speaking about Lexi . I should leave before she gets upset and worries too much.  " Kassy said realization striking her .
" Yes . Well I do look forward to meeting her . I'm happy after the incident I was quite worried about you . " I told her, my mind briefly visiting that horrible day . Kassy had cried so much I was afraid she'd flood my house .  She smiled sadly at me and left without a word . It would seem she still has grief within her soul .
" Here's your tea , My Lord.  " Scott said as he entered my study,  causing me to jump out of my thoughts. 
" Thank you . " I replied taking the cup from his hands .

Scott P.O.V

      I could tell that something was a little off with my Young Lord . As the day continued on , he appeared sickeningly polite and distant .
" Whatever is the matter , My Lord ? " I inquired as he changed for bed .
" Wha- N -Nothing . " He stuttered cutely . It would appear I've caught him off guard .
" Sigh , Luca,  My Love please tell me what's bothering you . " I pleaded with him . I walked toward his bed where he sat and kneeled in front of him , so I could see him clearly.  The expression he wore sent a slight pain to my heart and deeply troubled my soul . He looked lost and held an expression of deep sadness. 
" Luca , Love . I love you so much, won't you tell me what's wrong . The pain you feel is ten times more  painful for me because I can't know why you're sad . So I'm unable to fix that frown . Smile for me won't you My Love . " I gently coaxed him .
     I pulled him into my arms securely , I loved this man so much it truly broke my heart to see him so forlorn and to realize that there was nothing I could do for him . I so desperately wanted to see his smile . How can I help him without knowing why he is so upset ? Why is he so sad ? Did I unknowingly do something that upset him?  As these thoughts circulated my mind my heart broke a little more . Would I lose him like all the others ? Would I be giving my heart to him in vain ?
" L-Luca promise me please , promise me that you won't leave me . "  I choked out clinging on to him tighter . He tensed suddenly and I wondered if I was being too much for him . Was I forcing the relationship that we had ?  I felt him turn his face in my chest. 

" Scott Michaelis,  I Luca Silveira swear to never leave your side , unless you wish it to be so . Also if you so wish it to be so , I won't easily go away .  Scott I love you , I love you so much if I can't see you my day will be worthless . " Luca said as he caressed my face .  His golden irises boring in to my crimson ones . Genuinity,  honesty, lust and love shone in his gaze .
" I love you more than you could dream Luca Silveira.  "  I said to him . I looked at him and smiled sheepishly . " I know it's a bit late but will you be my official boyfriend?  " I asked him . Gosh I was so late with this .  He looked so shocked it amused me .
" Yo-you want to .  .  . YES YES YES ."  He said happily ,hugging me tighter . A ginormous smile on my face .

Suddenly I felt myself jerk forward , my eyes still open in shock . I felt my lips being smashed into my lovers.  Smiling I returned the kiss ,slightly biting his bottom lip he let out a small moan and started tugging my hair. The sensations that flew threw my body were intense . I let put a moan in ecstasy.  We finally pulled apart for air each panting. 
" I love you Luca . " I said smiling at him , we were still in the same position just staring at each other .
" I love you too Scott. " He replied smiling at me . These words mean so much to me . " I will never leave your side . " He said kissing me lightly . " So therefore you have to stay with me every night from now on . " He said with a childish expression hugging me close .
  " Sounds perfect . " I said kissing his hair.
Wait a minute . . .  " Luca , why were you so upset earlier . " I asked him , I momentarily forgot .
" W-well it's silly really . I thought that you maybe didn't want to be with me . Since you didn't say I was actually your boy friend.  " He explained shyly . Honestly this boy,  how can I not love him .
" Really ? " I asked him rolling my eyes and kissing him.

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