Chapter 23 [ New Alliances ]

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Mrs Silveira P.O.V
          If they won't listen to reason and stand by the abominations called their siblings then , I will simply have to get rid of those disgusting freaks . Firstly the brat Luca , he is always so . . . Ugh I don't even want to think of that disgrace . How I gave birth to that trash is beyond my understanding , I couldn't have given birth to that  . I looked through the window as I approached the Castello Estate . Well he for certain did well for himself , of course he couldn't scrape Silveira standards .The carriage came to a stop right outside the giant , white , steeled gate , that gave entrance to the manor ." I'm here to see Aren Castello , tell him it's Cluadia , Claudia Silveira . " I smiled as the guard called the main house to confirm my identity .

If anyone was capable of helping me rid the world of that disgusting piece of trash , who dares call himself my son , it would be his crazed lover . Honestly , just being here in the presence of this disgusting abomination , crawled my skin , I can't believe I've sunk this low . I honestly can't comprehend the pleasure of liking someone who is the same gender as oneself .What exactly was the joy in something so detestable , if you want something to suck , buy a bloody popsicle for crying out loud . I can't comprehend what Ciel was thinking , why was he so blind . No matter he is long gone and I won't allow those two insects Luca and Lucas to destroy my pure Luke and Christen . Even if they have to disappear permanently and I have to work with such a detestable human .

The sound of the gates opening forced my mind back to the present . The carriage rolled through the gates and stopped at the entrance of the enormous manor .It was presentable enough , I walked to the door , which opened before I was directly in front of it . A cute brown haired girl opened greeted me . " Welcome Mrs Silveira , please follow me this way , my Master awaits your presence in his office . " She said politely , not a smile present on her features as she led me through the manor .

" Is there anything that I can offer you to drink or otherwise ? " She asked as we stopped at the entrance of what I assumed was the office door ." A glass of purified water and a slice of lemon ." I said pushing open the door ," Do remember you are serving a Silveira ." I told her walking through the door . " Aren ." I greeted with a fake smile.

Aren P.O.V

I was looking through my window , I knew she would be here it was only a matter of time . As much as I hated to admit this , I would need her help to make Luca suffer just a bit more , after all as ruthless as he was , he still cared too much for family and that was why he was so weak . It wasn't hard to miss the huge white and gold carriage with the Silveira crest imbedded into it approach . As much as I expected her to come visit me , it still shocked me the woman would actually come this far . Her homophobia was no joke she truly despised the likes of me , I'd say she was the definition of the word .

I could have called and tell them she could come in , but I was still unsure of her intentions . I want to see just how far she is willing to go , how far will she take this revenge of hers . I was quite surprised to hear the heels clicking through my hallway , so for the sake of my curiosity I wobbled over to meet her . " Hello Claudia an honest surprise to see you here in flesh , I thought you'd call ." I stated flashing her a smile as I leaned a bit on my walking cane . " Yes well , this is the Silveira family and my two darlings are quite upset with me . So I couldn't take the chance , besides I want this done now ." She said , comforting herself in one of the chairs . The way she thought things was supposed to be laid out for her , the way she thought she could control everyone ,it truly amazed me . " What happened ? " She asked pointing to my attire . I suppose she was referring to my slight limp and broken wrist , in all honesty I could walk really fine , the bullet just grazed my knee , I simply liked the stick. " Scott Michaelis ." I shrugged carelessly ,that boy he dared to anger me , to injure my body , he was more capable than I thought .

" I see ," She said , " In any event what I came for is actually quite simple . I want Luca gone , you can kill him , torture him I really don't care . You can keep him as sex slave for all that matters , just make sure he disappears for good . " She said inn the most neutral voice , one could assume we were talking about building a new factory . I had to scoff at her attitude , I loved watching the bitch squirm . Only because of a simple promise years ago , was the reason I hadn't killed her already .

On recent matters though , if Luca won't come o me willingly or force or bribery then there was one last option aside from death that is . " Deal ." I shrugged before wobbling back to my desk and taking a seat . " Now Aren , this has to happen now ." Claudia commanded .

" Don't tell me how to do my own work Claudia . " I snapped at her ," Now good bye. " I dismissed her . She huffed angrily and rolled her eyes , but didn't comment any further . Good she remembers she can't control me or intimidate me . " I'm staying here until you finish the job ." She stated looking away from me . " Whatever ." I replied distracted by the open file on my desk . Oh my sweet Luca , I will take everything from you , I smiled .

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