Chapter 2 [ Love ]

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Luca P.O.V
       Scott has proven himself to be a very good Butler so far . I'm always awakened by his smooth British accent and my eyes always meet his gorgeous face ,crimson hair hanging over his extraordinary red eyes, his face adorned with a smile . Fresh tea always prepared, strong and to my exact desire and most important he never left my side ,just as requested .
       Currently I'm in my study ,whilst Scott is somewhere doing his Butler work . I miss him ,yet  I can't allow myself to be distracted by him . I have to finish my work ,sadly much must be done today.  A whole hour passed and all that I've managed to focus on are red eyes and hair .
" This simply won't do . " I sighed exasperated.  "Scott! "I called for my devilish Butler . I would love to run my fingers through his crimson waterfall and kiss those extremely kissable ,porcelain lips .I doubt Scott would appreciate that though , perhaps if I were an attractive female . Since I was of the age of a middle schooler, I knew my sexuality.  I'd always preferred males,  finding the opposite sex a bit appalling.

My heart seems to go erratic for Scott though, it's like I'm some middle schooler with  crush. Sadly I assume he must have some girl he fancies . Whomever she may be I despise her , how dare she occupy my Scott thoughts. Sigh maybe some time away from Scott is in order.  He does work quite a bit and he lives here with me, it's also been well over two months, since I've employed him and he stubbornly refuses to take time off.
" My apologies My Lord, our distance was a bit farther than I had first anticipated  ." Scott said bowing .
" Indeed ." I whispered to myself sadly ,hoping he had not heard .
" It's fine , you have the weekend off duty.  No objections this is a direct order from your Master. " I commanded , knowing he would refuse unless it was a direct order . His lack of a response peaked my interest , " What's wrong ? " I inquired directing my attention towards him . My gaze fully beholding his appearance,  he looked so incredibly sexy today,  then again that was an every day occurrence for Scott . Ooops running off track,  I'm sure he'd run if he knew my minds filthy thoughts .

Scott seemed to be having an internal battle with himself . He could take all the time he required though , watching him and memorizing his features was a great pastime. 
" Well Scott ? " I prompted ,not wanting him to catch on to my distracted gaze . His eyes met mine and I had a swift intake of air , his eyes were so much darker than it's normal light crimson . The sun shone through the glass window casting a beautiful glow ,taking away my speech.
 " Why must I take leave , My Lord ? " Scott finally asked ,clearly voicing his confusion . I couldn't tell him the truth, even if I strangely wanted nothing more than to do just that. Where would I even begin ? Well Scott I need you to leave because I find you too damn attractive and It makes my focus hard . Also I would love to grab you by your collar and kiss the sexy out of you ? Hardly , I could never admit that to him I would surely lose him, wouldn't I? 
" I want you to be well rested . To ensure that happens,  I'm sending you home to relax for a while . " I explained , it wasn't a complete lie . I did want him to be well rested , the thought of him getting sick because I over worked him was appalling. 

" Lord Silveira ! Men are posted outside behind the bushes . There uniforms identify them as Arens men , My Lord . " Maryann my house maid rushed into my office informing me and interfering with my previous conversation with Scott.  Sigh Aren again,  hasn't he given up on trying to kill me . I have five men and he produces hundreds ,yet all his men are dead or wishing they were and of course he still finds fit to pursue me .
"Give them a Silveira welcome . Do play nice Maryann and tell Alex , Roy , Jack and Shenelle the message as well . " I added as a precautionary . My servants tend to be a little rough when they play and I don't want to remodel just yet. Then again they were trained to protect the best .

" Well I suppose I should go to another room . I'd hate to have one of Arens men see me and mess up my office . " I said rising from my seat . How incredibly dull this day turned out to be . My attention went to Scott and I sensed his anxiety , perhaps he'd like to join the fight , I know he enjoys it .
" Go and see to things ! " I commanded.
" Yes My Lord. " He bowed and disappeared.

I sat in my room , my shirt undone and hair disheveled.  My thoughts ran back to my previous request of Scott . I barely see him around unless ,I want him around,  if distance was my medication I'd be cured . I'm in love with my Butler , worse part is I can't bring myself to care in the slightest . After all I am the ultimate Silveira, people fear me and the pain my name alone brings . I'm sure Scott must think something is wrong,  I've hardly allowed him to stay by my side as much as he used to when he first started working for me ,only on necessary occasions when I need his expertise I allow him to stay by my side, or maybe I want him to care so much that I'm  deluding myself. How annoying these thoughts are, I wish they would just turn off. I suddenly feel like I want to sleep.

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