Chapter 30 [ Finally , some peace and quiet ]

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Luca P.O.V
It's been three weeks since the unfortunate incident at the Castello residence.  Such a tragedy that the young Castello heir was drugged up so bad , he displayed signs of lunacy and during one of his crazy fits he had the late Mrs Silveira disemememberd , all over a simple game of chess . I suppose some people really are sore losers. 
" Hey Babe need anything ? " My sexy Butler who happened to be my boyfriend asked .
" I'm feeling for chocolate. " I told him admitting my little craving .
" Awww aren't I sweet enough . " He joked before abruptly walking away . That little,  that infuriating little ass , well there isn't anything little about that ass . In fact I'd say , wait I went off topic again didn't I.  See always does this to me he is so damn unfair . I was so wrapped in my own head , I didn't see him return .

" Here you go , My Lord . " He said resting a plate of chocolate cake and a glass of cold chocolate milk on my desk .
" Thanks Babe , I love you . " I told him , he smiled at me and moved to go out the door again. 
" Wait Scott . " I called him before he left .
" Yes My Lord ? " He asked looking at me .
" Sit ! " I commanded painting to the chair in front my desk .
" What's wrong ? " He asked looking at me with slight worry . I smiled at him trying to ease his worries .
" Baby why do you still insist on being my Butler . You know you don't have to do that anymore . " I told him munching on my cake . I'm all finished with my work for today so I could sit here talking as much as I want. Scott's beautiful laugh filled the room and I just stared at him ,I couldn't be mad his laugh was my favourite song .
" Oh Baby I thought something was seriously wrong . " He laughed at me .
"  I was just curious.  " I pouted at him .

Scott smiled at me and smeared some frosting on my lips .
" Hey ! " I protested , still not being able to hide the smile on my face . He licked the cream off my face kissing me in the process. 
" Mmm you're still my favorite dessert . " He said against my lips .
" Scott , " I whined , " Now I'm feeling for something sweeter , much more addictive than my cake . " I whined . Scott chuckled at my behaviour letting a small ' cute ' fall from his lips as he made his way around my desk . He lifted me out my seat and and I clung to him , his name falling off my lips again . He moved us to the couch and snuggled into me .
" You're such a baby ." I told him .
" I'm a big boy when it counts . " He hummed and I blushed at his word , he's such a pervert . " Well to answer your question my adorable baby. " Scott said kissing my head , " I'm a free spirit and I've pretty much worked in every intriguing field I could find . I had a kinky Master , he was the first employer I had when I decided trying to be Butler . " He explained caressing me cheek . " Like I said he was kinky , he called me Blue . He found it amusing since it was a contrast with my hair and such . Anyway basically I fell in love and he left me , he died while I was away . " He paused for a moment ,
" I suppose I wanted to try being a Butler again , I'd never really gotten into the job itself with him and after he left I quit . Aside from that I love being near you  . I love teasing you and if I'd have another job I couldn't do that." He said shrugging .

I pulled away from him and turned to face him , I sat on his lap and looked into his eyes. 
" I get it it makes sense like that . " I told him my arms around his neck.  So Blue huh,  I suppose I see where the irony came from .
" Sooo this other Master of yours,  what was his whole deal ? " I asked suspiciously . I mean I know the guy isn't alive any more but Scott said he had loved him ,he had a past with him .
" Well I'd say he was kind and sweet , very intelligent a bit opposite of you and obviously kinky , you know . " He said explaining or at least he tried to explain , because that didn't explain much at all.  I did get his point though , I pouted at the thought .
" So do you prefer men like that ? " I tried asking innocently , keyword there is tried .
" They're not repulsive . " He said looking at me .
" Oh ! " I said a little dejected, lowering my gaze . Scott moved his hands from my waist and  lifted my chin to look at him again. 
" Still , I love you , so goddamn much too . So I'd say my type is you . My beautiful Luca Silveira . " He said pecking my pout .
" Hey you're taking advantage of the situation.  " I told him hiding my embarrassment. 
Scott laughed at my comment and pulled me closer to him , so that we were chest to chest .
" Well then I'd better go prepare dinner then , shouldn't I ." He teased me .
" Wha, no-noooooo . " I said hugging him tightly .
" Who's taking advantage now huh ? " He chucked. 
" As your Master I have that authority.  " I told him , refusing to loosen my grip .
" That would be my point.  " He said .

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