Chapter 17 [ Betrayal can be a Misunderstanding ]

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Luca P. O. V
   " Kassy ! " I exclaimed surprised , " What are you doing here ? " I asked , standing to hug her . I couldn't seem to recall Kassy saying she'd be passing by today. 
" Lady Kassidy." Scott said bowing politely, "What a delight." He continued on, passing by her to rest the tray of tea and biscuits on my table. I chuckled at his cute behavior, letting Kassy out of my grasp, I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. "You always look so sexy when you're jealous." I whispered into his ear. He looked at me and pulled me closer, his palms resting on my ass, massaging it lightly, he kissed me again and I moaned lowly into his mouth. "Luca." He warned me as we pulled away. "Now that you both are quite finished." Kassy said, rolling her eyes at our public display. I chuckled at her and kissed Scott lightly again before backing away. "You can come in Alexis." She called.

A beautiful blonde-haired girl, walked into my office. She looked around accessing her surroundings, her green gaze landed on me, and I nodded to her in response. Her eyes looked over at Scott and a flash or recognition ignited her gaze.
" Scott? " She called, " Scott Michaelis, oh my, Scott it is you." She exclaimed happily, running over to hug him.
" It's great to see you again Alexis." Scott said, returning the hug. I watched them interact and a flash of jealousy ran within me. There was something that seemed very off about Alexis, I didn't want her anywhere near Scott, MY Scott.
" This is my boyfriend and employer, the Lord Luca Silveira." I heard Scott introduce me. I smiled at him grateful and then turned to her. " It's a pleasure to meet you, the woman who stole my best friend away." I said.
" Alexis was a former colleague of mine." Scott interjected as a small silence had filled the room. I looked at him and I saw the smirk on his face, I knew he could tell I was jealous.

Alexis P.O.V

I watched them interact; they were so oblivious to everything. Finally, I could see him again, my one and only. I have missed him so so much, boyfriend or not, no one was going to stand in my way, now that I have found him again. That gullible Kassidy, she had no idea I was using her, now I'm so glad to be rid of her. Finally, you will be all mine again.

Kassidy's P.O.V

I feel so horrible, here I am smiling and getting along with everyone, but my heart is not with it. I'm supposed to be focusing on what we are discussing yet, I am in an internal battle, I simply can't force myself to love someone. My heart beats for one person alone, only one person in this world do I yearn for and of course it is the person I cannot have. I would hate to hurt Alexis she is such a sweet girl, full of passion and life, a pure soul, but here I am using her to get my true love jealous when she isn't even here. I am truly the worst there is.

Luca P.O.V

" So, Alexis, how did you and Kassy decide you wanted to make a relationship work? " I asked awkwardly, I didn't really want to be speaking to her at all. I still had an off feeling about her. Since Scott and Kassy had walked away to discuss something private however, I was left with her. " You can stop now." She said as she decreased the distance between us. " Pardon? " I asked quite confused. " Come on Luca, you can drop the act. " She replied adding to my confused state of mind. "Come on Luca, you can kiss me, I know you want to, come on and kiss me." She continued on, " You don't have to pretend to love him anymore Babe, you did good. We can be together now." She said, before I could react to her, she leaned forward and kissed me.

Scott's P.O.V

Kassidy was having a really tough time, I didn't know she had it that bad, I sincerely hope she is able to find a way to resolve her mess. I walked back to the study, a new tray with tea in my hands, is that . . .?
" You don't have to pretend to love him anymore Babe, you did good. We can be together now. " I heard Alexis say, before she moved closer and kissed him. She was kissing him, and he wasn't doing anything about it. The tray dropped and splattered the tea on the floor, broken glass pitched everywhere. Luca's gaze met mine in shock at the loud sound, he looked so guilty, but why would be guilty unless? That's when I knew, I couldn't stay here, even if it was just my own thoughts clouding my mind. I just couldn't stay.

My breath became ragged, and I felt myself begin to panic, my vision became blurred with tears. My heart hurt, I couldn't shake the look of guilt from his eyes, why was he guilty? ' You don't have to PRETEND anymore. ' Her words echoed in my mind. Th e words kept flitting around my head, my sobs became louder as I curled into a ball on the floor. Is this what love was? How could I forget that love goes both ways, why does this hurt so much.

Christen's P.O.V

A trip to my lovely little Brother is exactly what I need right now. My brain needs to take a rest. Nothing and nowhere seemed to be helping me at this moment, not even my home or job. Leave it to Mother to disappear for years and then show up only to unsettle your whole world. The fight we had with her continued haunting me. I knew very well how much she hated Luca but still . . . I just don't understand anything anymore. I wish she would just leave us alone, for good.

Luca might say I shouldn't let her get to me, that she was not worth the thought. On second thought maybe not so much. My Baby Brother was always such a bright little light, despite being the most feared sibling, so ironic. Perhaps Luke or Lucas would say something along those lines, my sweet Brothers, family is everything to me. My little Luca always knew how to cheer his older siblings up though, so here I am.
" Ahhh London." I breathed in the crisp evening air.  I can't quite put my finger on it but, something feels terribly off. "To the Silviera estate please." I said quickly.

 My feelings of dread increased as I entered the compound.
" My Lady, help please Scott he . . ." Maryann frantically stated, as she saw me arriving. I hurried inside the mansion, my mind wondering what could be going on, " What happened? " I asked. Luca and Scott wouldn't be fighting, after all Scott wouldn't allow . . .
" Scott . . ." I breathed, when I saw the messy figure walking towards me. " Christi I . . . I can't - I can't do th-this again. I have to le-leave, te-tell him, I love him." He said, his words hard to catch because of his sobbing. He sniffled and walked past me towards the exit.

I hurriedly made my way through the mansion to find Luca, what the hell happened, that dumb brother of mine, I hope he didn't do anything stupid. I could barely grab on to Scott before he had passed me, so Luca was my last hope.
" Luca Silviera! " I demanded, pushing open his office doors loudly. " Ch-chris ? " A sweet voice called, I looked at Kassidy and my heart rate increased, no not now. " What the hell did you do Luca? Why is Scott crying and why in the worlds is he leaving? " I asked.
" He - he left?" He asked looking at me.

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