Chapter 8: You've got to be kidding me...

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A/N I hope you all are still enjoying this story. I wanted to bring it more to the present since I started writing this story about 3 years ago. I hope you guys like where it's going. I have alot of twist and turns that will be happening so stay tuned and leave feedback please. I love hearing yalls opinions and everything.
XO, Crystal.


I woke up to Zayn fast asleep next to me so I slowly crawled over him making sure I didn't wake him, and went into the kitchen to make me a cup of tea, when I felt arms slowly wrap around my waist.

"Good morning." Zayn said into my neck. I turned to face him and kissed his cheek in return, when I looked back up at him his face looked very worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked, while he just kept looking down, or anywhere but my eyes.

"I have really bad news." He mumbled but I could make out what he said. My eyes slowly got wide open looking at him.

"What is it?" I asked stepping out of his grip.

"Me and the lads have to go back home." He murmured looking away again.



I just nodded accepting the fact this was gonna happen sooner or later, but I never thought it would happen so soon.

"Okay, but why?" I asked while Zayn's face just fell.


I was surprised Crystal wasn't more hurt, or sad. I thought that she would be considering everything that was said last night.

"Something about how this isn't helping our rep, and stats. The fans want us on tour instead of doing the 'normal' thing." I answered.



"When do you leave?" She asked not looking at me.


Finally she looks at me, then back away quickly.

"I really don't know what to say." She says after 5 minutes of awkward silence.

"Say you'll fucking miss me or something Crystal! You're just standing there like you don't even give a shit about me! Did you just tell me everything you do so you could sleep with me because I'm famous?" I yelled.

"NO! I can't believe you would think that Zayn." She looked at me with hurt in her eyes.

"Well you were about to fuck your friend last night, then you came and fucked me." I said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" She said shocked.

"Yea-" I was cut off.

"You know what Zayn. You can go fuck yourself, and forget about everything that happened between us because it didn't mean a fucking thing." She was standing right in front of me now.

I just looked at her searching her eyes for anything, but she wasn't giving anything away.

"Whatever." I moved pasted her and slammed the door shut.

(3 years later to present time)

"Dude the album is gonna be jackpot!" Niall smiled while we were all over at Liam's apartment.

"I know man! Stockholm Syndrome is the best." Harry smiled while taking a sip of his beer.

"I just can't believe all the stuff we've been through these 3 years. First big tour, then having to go to college, dating fans, hook ups, break ups. It's been a hell of a ride." Liam said.

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