Chapter 1

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I looked up at the gates and hesitated. A blue hand grasped my shoulder. "You don't have to go. We enjoy having you at the hideout."

I smiled up at Kisame. "Thanks, but I need to go."

He sighed. "If you feel the need to return... you know..."

I removed my cloak and handed it to him. "Until next time, Kisame."

He flashed a sharp tooth grin, but I could see the worry in his eyes. "Yeah, kid."

I took a deep breath and went towards the entrance, I could feel that my escort was sticking around. As I approached, the guards rose from their seats, wide-eyed. "Lady..."

I barely spared them a glance as I went further into the village. The fastest way to answers would be the Hokage, so that's where I went. My hand hovered above the door, and I could hear my heart racing in my ears. Do I really want to know... am I ready to face this?

I closed my eyes and knocked. "Who is it?!"

I blinked mildly, surprised, and opened the door. "Tsunade... so you're the new Hokage... impressive."

I was met with several shocked expressions, among them, Aya. "Kunoichi..." She rushed to me in tears. "All the reports... they said..."

I watched amused as she began to look me over before hugging me hard. "Aya, that hurts..." She quickly backed off. "Yeah... a benefit of having people in both high... and low places."

I looked at Tsunade and Shizune. "From all accounts... you shouldn't have survived."

I sighed. "Everyone keeps saying that, and yet here I am."

A vein appeared on Tsunade's head. "Well, brat, you have a lot of explaining to do."

I nodded. "I have questions as well..."

There was a frantic knock at the door before it burst open. The flash of yellow warmed my heart. "Lady Tsu-" Minato stopped in his tracks. "It can't be..."

I saw Chihiro behind him. "Kunoichi!" She sprang on me, and I closed my eyes, suppressing a groan. "How?! Why didn't you come home?"

"Do me a favor and let go." I said through clenched teeth. She did as I asked and sighed in relief. "Thank you."

Minato stepped forward. "What happened to you?"

I met his gaze. "What I do best... for the most part."

Tsunade rounded the desk. "So the Sound Village?"

I looked at her. "Eliminated."

I heard the sharp intake of breaths from those who didn't know, but Tsunade held my gaze. "At what cost?"

I didn't waver. "Whatever the cost... it was worth it." Everyone exchanged worried glances.

Tsunade moved towards me. "Well, it's clear you haven't fully recovered. Come, we'll have you checked at the hospital."

I dodged her hand. "That may be compl-" I paused as I felt a familiar tug in my head. Itachi...

Tsunade reached for my shoulder, but I backed away. "You need to be treated, brat." I looked out of the window, but he wasn't there. "Let's go..."

I moved past her and the rest of the group into the hall, but he wasn't there either. Chihiro and Aya came up beside me. "Kunoichi... just go, what could it hurt?"

I nodded. I know I felt him... it was fleeting though, did I imagine it? "Yeah... let's go."

I was led straight into an examination room only Tsunade and Aya came in. Tsunade became all business. "Remove your shirt... we'll start there."

I didn't think anything of it until I heard them gasp. I looked at a horrified Aya. "Kunoichi..." She was almost in tears. "How?"

I glanced down, noting the new scars where my heart and lungs stood. "Sheer will power according to those that saved me."

Tsunade recovered and directed me to the table, I slid on, and she touched my back. I felt relief from my pain as she began to infuse chakra into her hands. "This is... you shouldn't be alive."

I sighed. "So I've been told."

When she stopped, the pain returned. "Do you mind if my student comes in?" I shook my head, and Aya exited, returning with a familiar pinkette.

One look, and I knew she had grown tremendously. "Hey, Pinky."

Her eyes were wide. "Kunoichi..."

I nodded. "Alive and... well alive."

She carefully examined my torso. "Looks painful..."

I tilted my head. "Not so bad now."

She nodded, now all business. She did the same as Tsunade's, though her chakra wasn't nearly as soothing. "This is... how are you breathing." I shrugged. "Lady Tsunade... is there anything we can do?"

Tsunade looked puzzled. "I... need time to get a full picture." I felt it again, a small tug in my consciousness and frowned. Why is it so faint?

I stood and was about to put on my clothes, but was stopped by Aya. "Let them finish... please your condition... you shouldn't be walking around."

I shrugged. "I walked here, didn't I?"

She looked desperate. "Kunoichi... please."

I sighed and got back on the table, I was becoming restless and knew I was reaching my limit. Finally, they finished, and Tsunade had the other two leave. "I'm having you admitted. You need more rest."

I shook my head. "I don't have time for rest."

Another vein sprouted in her forehead. "Well, you rest, or you won't have any time because you'll be dead. Let us help you."

I wanted to argue, but I knew I was told much the same by Sasori before leaving the hideout. "Fine, just for tonight, and if you can't find a way to help... I'm discharged. Agreed?"

She held out her hand, and we shook. "Agreed." I looked out of the window. If he is alive... would he still come for me?

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