Chapter 41

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I was grateful to be back into the apartment and mindlessly went to clean things. Itachi arched a brow and attempted to help. "Don't..."

He frowned slightly. "Why? Something to hide?"

I paused. "No... just it helps with restlessness sometimes." He nodded and went to watch from the couch. I tossed the food and scrubbed down the entire kitchen, but still, I couldn't let go of the feeling of being unsettled. There is only one who... but why?

He caught my hands as I headed for the guest room, having finished the living room. "Talk to me."

I sighed and allowed him to pull me into his lap as I looked out of the window. "You don't know Diedara?"

I shook my head. "He's new, under different circumstances, Pein would have had me find him and... put him to the test before he joined."

His head tilted. "Different circumstances?"

I nodded. "The older ones I fought before they ever joined, testing their resolve, loyalty, and worth." I sighed. "Was out of commission for him. It saves Pein some time and allows me to know which I can trust and which I can't."

He nodded. "And Kisame?"

I smirked. "Jealous, Uchiha?"

He arched an eyebrow. "Hardly, just interesting the way you interact. Like siblings."

I giggled. "I requested him personally, we met..." It took me a moment to think about it. "When I was 8, before the incident. I remember a lot of him during that year, mostly because he seemed to always show up when I was in a bind. He may have noted the change and was just making sure I was okay."

He stayed silent. "I asked while I was recovering, and he said after we fought, he knew he found a good friend. Considering he lives for a good throw down, I'm hardly surprised. Pein would have him assist me if I would take a mission alone, more like... he would assign him to magically appear, so if I went overboard, at least I had back up."

He started to play with my hair. "And the name calling?"

I smiled softly. "That... came naturally to us, just like he is one of the people I can truly spar with and not worry much about. He was the one who would allow me to push my limits in my stent there, Pein was none too pleased, but... Kisame was never one to mind going against him if it meant helping me."

Itachi thought for a moment. "Seems like he wants to fight me."

I nodded. "He likes a challenge and quite frankly... there aren't many who can best him." I pursed my lips. "That's how our relationship started. I think Pein has him assigned to me because he knows he won't kill me, all while making the fight look glorious."

He was watching as his curl bounced back into place. "What about the others?"

I tilted my head. "What about them?"

He shrugged. "Anything."

I sighed, searching the air. "Hidan, a dirty, loud mouth who follows... Jashin... I think that's the name. Basically immortal, he possesses one of the very few skills that I can not. Kakazu loves his money and is a bounty hunter of sorts. He fought the first hokage, I think. Mmmm... Sasori, you've met him. He is a puppet and poison master, Lady Chiyo's grandson. Honestly, a good man just a little twisted from his past. Zetsu, an experiment from my understanding. He has the ability to find and follow people witho-..."

I paused. "What?"

I looked at my hands. "He locates and tracks largely, is one being that can act as 2... Black and White Zetsu..."

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