Chapter 42

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As we neared the village, I pulled out phoenix pendant and channeled chakra into it. Hinata, Aya, and Ryo appeared instantly, ready for whatever I had planned. I gave each of them an appreciative gaze. "Speak."

Ryo's eyes were filled with rage. "I investigated, and I found more... so much more. Shisui found out and went crazy, I barely made it out alive, and even now, his people are looking for me."

Aya frowned. "He came to visit after and ripped through not only our apartment but yours looking for whatever Ryo had against him." She glanced at Itachi. "He went after your mother, and we held him off until he was taken away by Ibiki."

Hinata's fists were clenched. "Chi-se-... Chihiro started to behave strangely after you left, I tried to figure out why, and I saw... I saw Shisui using his doujutsu on her. Once he was taken, she fled to the Uchiha compound, I haven't been able to locate her since."

I bit my tongue. Relax... you'll need this rage soon. I looked at Hinata. "Go to Minato and inform him I am here and to meet me in Tsunade's office. Ryo, I need Tsunade to be ready for a possible rebellion, but definitely a hell of a lot of dead nin.  Aya, get Ibiki."

They dispersed, and I turned to Itachi. "Are you sure about this..."

He met my gaze, unwavering. "Without a doubt."

I nodded. "Let's visit your old home." We walked through the village until we were at the entrance, where we were met with resistance. I looked at each face of those in front of us. "My suggestion is you move."

All of them blinked in surprise before preparing for a fight. "The likes of you are not welcome here."

I flicked my finger. "Stop this!"

My thread kissed the man's neck, and I licked my lips. "Saved... how unfortunate..."

Fugaku stepped forward, eyeing the thread suspiciously. "Put that away."

I looked at him, and he paused. "Giving a lot of orders to a very pissed off, temperamental shinobi. Never a good idea. Move and lose your life." The man on the end of my thread gulped and froze.

I saw beads of sweat start to form on their leader's brow. "Why are you here?"


He smirked. "She doesn't want to see you."

"Let her say it to my face."

"No." His henchman screamed, convulsing to the ground. "Why you..."

I looked at the ones still standing. "Who next?"

He turned his gaze to Itachi. "Stop her! This is your clan yo-"

My thread was at his throat. "I would suggest... you not address him. You learned a long time ago that I can not be tamed."

He stopped breathing, fear evident in his eyes. "You won't find her..." I entered his mind impressed that I came up short. "You'll fail..."

I felt someone approaching from behind. "Kunoichi!"

I didn't remove my gaze from Fugako. "Yes?"

Minato put a hand on my shoulder. "He's not worth it."

I met Minato's eyes, and his eyes widened. "His days are numbered regardless."

Minato tentatively touched my arm. "Kunoichi..."

I sighed, and the thread dissolved, still looking at Minato. "Lord Uchiha... It seems luck is on your side." I turned to leave, brushing past my father. "Why would you interfere?"

He lowered his gaze. "They still have her..."

I side eyed him. "Don't interfere again."

"This isn't you..."

I turned, standing in front of him. "This is exactly who I am... you should be happy, Minato... you're about to find out what you've been missing for all these years."

He looked at me in horror. "Kunoichi..." He reached for me, and I shook my head, then went to Tsunade's office.

Everyone looked up as we entered, and I smiled at Hinata. "Minato was to meet me here, not interrupt my endeavors, little one."

She frowned. "He used his jutsu before I could stop him."

I nodded. "I figured." I activated the Silencing Seals. "Now, Tsunade... Ibiki, I trust you're up to date."

Tsunade frowned. "I can not allow you to do this."

I chuckled darkly. "You're not allowing me to do anything, Tsunade... I'm simply giving you time to prepare."

Ibiki stepped forward. "Look, the situation is bad, kid, but..."

I turned my gaze to him. "Ibiki, you've been in my mind. You've seen it from the source... do you really think I'm in a place of reason?"

He lowered his gaze. "What Shisui did... what they're doing now... no, you're not."

Tsunade stood. "You ca-"

"You were out there far longer than you've been here, Tsunade... you know who I am and what I am capable of, and yet you saved me twice. What I am offering you I never offered to another. Surely, the role of Hokage hasn't made you forget."

Her eyes widened, and she sat down, now thinking, mouth hidden behind her hands. "No, I haven't."

I turned to Minato, the only adult who would think to plead a case. "Anything to say?"

He looked at me in dismay. "There has to be another way..."

I looked around the room. "Let me explain to you the current situation. They have Chihiro, and they want her to break the marriage. If she goes forward with the divorce, she dies, and the contract is void, meaning the Uchiha retain all of their power. If, by accident or otherwise, they kill her, they all lose their precious doujutsu. If they rebel without killing her... those who stand against the Leaf are powerless. The only other way to be free of the agreement with their strength intact is to kill me, and they can't do that without losing more than half of their numbers. So, tell me, Minato, knowing what you do now... what do you suggest?"

He lowered his gaze. "Maybe we can..."

"How many chances do they get?!  The Uchiha have been the bain of my existence spanning across hundreds of years. It's time for it to end."

Tsunade cleared her throat. "There's more..."

I nodded. "I found it no coincidence that the Hyguua and Uchiha magically started to get along and formed a marriage agreement. So, I did some digging, and my diggers are very good at their job. They are the ones that know Chihiro's whereabouts along with Izumi Uchiha."

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