Chapter 6

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I was becoming restless, but there didn't seem to be a single moment where I was alone.  It's been a week already...

You still haven't fully recovered...

I glared at the fox.  I'm in better condition than when I walked into this village...

Hinata sat quietly beside me, and I sighed.  "Is the 24-hour surveillance really necessary?"

She smiled.  "Yes, Sensei, it is."

I huffed and started to form a plan as Tsunade walked in.  "You're almost ready to be released."

I frowned at her.  "I would like to go now. It's been a week already."

She ignored me and began her assessment.  "How's your pain?"

I looked out of the window.  "It's there."  She stopped and shook her head.  "I'm fine."

She stood.  "You've refused to take anything for it since you woke up.  Why?"

I shrugged.  "It dulls everything else as well.  I can stand the pain, being any more disconnected from my surroundings than I am now, that would bother me."

Hinata looked at me, worried.  "You're safe here."

I laid back in the bed.  "It's not a matter of safety... just awareness."

Tsunade went to leave the room.  "Very well."

When she left, I looked at Hinata, thinking.  It would only take a little...  "Hinata, I never asked how you were faring in the village."

She smiled softly.  "Everyone is kind, but the missions they send me on are... boring compared to being with you."

I slipped off my gloves under the blanket.  Kurama stirred.  This is a bad idea... "Well, I do know how to keep life interesting."

She nodded.  "They say it's because of my rank, but that shouldn't matter, right?"

I reached to ruffle her hair.  "I agree, now... sleep for a bit while I take a walk."  The shock barely registered in her eyes before she was falling forward.  I barely caught her cursing the colorful spots in my vision.

I laid her on the bed and sat with my head between my legs until the dizziness passed.  Okay... harder than I thought, but...  I looked at Hinata sleeping peacefully in the bed.  Gotta make this count...

I covered her up and frowned because she was taller than me.  Hopefully, no one looks too hard...

The fox was now glaring at me.  Do you really think this is okay?

I frowned at him.  I'm not a child who needs to be confined to my room... I'm not even going that far...

He sighed. When I'm able to get out of here...

I shoved him into the background and stumbled a bit when I hit the ground.  I looked around briefly before heading for the lake.  When there, I sighed happily, sitting on a rock to look at the water.  This is nice...

I laid back on the rock and began to hum to myself, enjoying the feel of the sun on my skin.  I don't know how long it was before I was found, but I frowned when I recognized the chakra signature. "You shouldn't be out yet."

I ignored him as I began to form an escape plan.  He stood over me, blocking to sunlight, and I looked up at him.  "Either report me or go away.  I don't want to be bothered with you."

He chuckled.  "Big words for someone who can't back them up."

I stood and backed away from him.  "What do you want?"

There was sadness in his eyes.  "Even now, you hate me."

I crossed my arms.  "Why does that matter?"

He took a step toward me.  "You were right... I was selfish and only thought of myself, but I was hoping maybe I could change the way you see me."

I sighed.  "Shisui... I'm not in the mood to relearn people right now."

He took another step forward, becoming angry.  "Why can't you just give me a chance?  Itachi wasn't the only one hurting when it was thought you were dead."

I jumped back and grabbed the spiral tattoo on my wrist.  "So... still on that, I see."

He clenched his fists.  "You are so... yes then, because I don't understand!  Why save me?  Why not leave me here after?  You must have felt somethi-"

I breathed a sigh of relief when Itachi appeared between us.  "Itach..."  I came up short due to the fury in his eyes.

Shisui frowned.  "Why are you here?"

He gave Shisui a cursory glance before turning back to me.  "Escaped again, I see."  He shook his head and took my hand.  "I'll have to keep a better watch on you."

I scowled at him as I heard the undercurrent of anger in his voice.  "I'm not a child."

He pulled me to him, looking towards Shisui.  "You're not ready to be out and about yet either."

I puffed my cheeks.  "Whatever."  He sighed and put a hand in my lower back, guiding me away from the lake.

We made it back into the village before he spoke.  "You were careless."

I looked away from him.  "I can't disagree."

He shook his head, and we stopped in front of a shop.  He put a hand on my cheek.  "Wait here..." I crossed my arms and leaned against the building, humming to myself.

I was people watching and felt when a person came up beside me.  "You just can't seem to stay away, can you?"

I kept my gaze forward.  "This village just has this certain allure... I just gotta come back to have another taste."  Carelessly, I waved my hand in the air.  "Reminds me of why I despise it so much. It just wouldn't due if I forgot."

Izumi scoffed.  "You think you're so clever."

I shrugged.  "I think I'm brilliant, though... there are quite a few people who would disagree."

I felt her becoming angry.  "Why don't you just stay dead?"

I sighed.  "It would seem, I never have a say in that matter."

She grabbed my arm and slung me to face her.  "Wh-"

I saw a hand grab her wrist.  "Is there a problem here?"

I looked up sheepishly at Lady Tsunade.  "Well... hello there."

Izumi released me and bowed.  "Just welcoming her back to the village."

Tsunade looked at me, and I shrugged.  "That's enough of that.  Kunoichi, come with me." 

Izumi began to walk away and scowled at me behind Tsunade.  Mature...

Itachi emerged from the shop, shaking his head.   "Can't stay out of trouble."

I sighed.  "What can I say, two things I can't seem to escape, trouble and Uchiha."

He sighed and turned to Tsunade.  "So, what do you suggest?"  I raised an eyebrow at them.  What's this about?

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