Chapter 32

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I finished straightening the room the girls were in and came out shaking my head.  "I'm surprised they're still breathing. They look and sleep like the dead."

He smiled at me softly.  "They drank a lot."

I looked at the bottles scattered about.  "Tsunade may have some competition..."

He chuckled.  "Doubt it."

I started to clean the area, and he helped.  "You don't need to..."

He poked my forehead.  "Faster this way."

I looked towards the boys' room.  "I... I'm not comfortable leaving them in that state..."  Itachi nodded, and we sat on the couch when we finished.  He pulled me into his lap, and I curled into him, drawing designs on his shirt.  "Are you okay, Itachi?"



He sighed.  "Drunk or not... I didn't appreciate it.  He hinted at knowing more earlier and then led them to my apartment."

I nodded.  "I know..."

He rested his cheek on my head.  "I wanted to strangle him for the way he was looking at you.  I almost did before you put him to sleep."

"I know..."  He fell silent, and I started to hum.  I felt him drifting to sleep and smiled softly.  Some time after him, I too surrender to oblivion.

I jerked awake when I heard a click.  "Aw... look at the love birds."

I glared at Shisui.  "What the hell..."

He smirked.  "You two looked so nice sleeping like that."

I felt Itachi's fury and looked up at him, concerned.  He didn't take his eyes off. Shisui and I touched his face so he would focus on me.  "Get rid of it, Shisui.  I mean it."

He looked amused.  "Why?"  The shift was sudden, but the intent to kill was clear.

Itachi had him by the neck, Sharingan activated.  "Get rid of it."

I sprang up and touched Itachi's back.  "Let him go... he's not worth it."

Itachi glanced back at me, and I thought he would break Shisui's neck, but he released him.  I picked up the camera and quickly deleted the photo, but the next one that popped up was equally as disturbing, but the more I deleted, the worse it got.

I froze, unable to breathe, I threw the camera on the ground and stomped it under my foot, crushing it into the smallest pieces I could manage.  I felt violated, but I knew saying anything now would only anger Itachi more.

Shisui looked dumbfounded.  "What?"  I saw red, I heard his scream, but I didn't care.  Then, I was wrapped in a familiar warmth and scent as everyone came rushing out of the rooms.

Then, it was silent except for the beating heart in my ear.  "Come back..."  I closed my eyes, trying to contain my rage.  "Kunoichi... come back to me."

I opened my eyes again and wrapped my arms around Itachi, sobbing.  He lifted me up and sat on the couch.  "What happened?"  I shook my head, and he sighed.   "When you're ready..."

It wasn't long before a frantic knock came at the door.  Itachi stiffened as I clutched him tighter.  "Itachi... you need to open the door."

He carried me to the room.  He placed me on the bed and closed the door on his way out.  I folded my knees to my chest as I heard as Ryo rushed in.  "What happened?"

Itachi closed the door slowly.  "Is he alive?"

Ryo sounded scared.  "Surprisingly..."


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