Chapter 18

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The air felt dense when I woke up.  I blinked, taking in my surroundings. It was dark and couldn't make out objects around me.  When I attempted to move, I realized that I was tied up.   Panic began to set when when a light appeared in the doorway.  It came into the room,  but I couldn't make out who was carrying the torch.  That was until he gripped my chin, pulling my face to his.  "Don't fight, I'm sure someone will come for you soon..."

I sat up, panting.  Madara...  Itachi was up as well, looking at me, concerned.  "A nightmare?"

I shook my head.  "I don't think so..."  I scrambled from the bed and went to the door.  "I'm going to Minato's."  I didn't wait for a response, running as fast as my legs would carry me.  Please... be safe..

I burst through the door and went to Chihiro's room, my heart sank.  The bed was untouched.  I slammed open Minato's door and shook him violently.   "Where's Chihiro?"

One look, and he was wide awake.  "She left after we talked about her behavior."

I frowned.  "How long ago was that?  Where would she go?"

His expression matched mine.  "I would assume to Izumi's..."

I hurried out of the room, Itachi was at the door.  "Where does Izumi live?"

He paused.  "I don't know."  I cursed under my breath and thought for a moment.  I went back into the village and loudly knocked on Ibiki's door.  His expression was grim when I said I needed to know where to find Izumi.

He was gone and back instantly.  "What do you need me to do?"

I scanned the map.  "Wake up, Tsunade... if she's not here, I'll need all the help she can spare." I looked at Itachi.  "Get Ryo and the others and meet me at the gate."

I ran to the Uchiha compound and went straight to Izumi's door, knocking urgently.  She was clearly displeased when she saw me.  "What do you want?"

"Is Chihiro here?"

She shrugged.  "I don-"

I had her by her throat against the wall.  "I don't have time for your games.  Is she here or not?"  She shook her head, fear clear in her eyes.  I released her, and she dropped to the floor gasping.  I ran back towards the gate, and Shisui was beside me.

He fell into step.  "What happened?"

I shook my head.  "I don't know, but I think Chihiro's in trouble."

He tensed.  "What can I do?"

We came to the gate and I was surprised, everyone was there, including some of Naruto's friends.  I landed in front of them and shook my head at Minato and Itachi.  They both grimaced, and I looked over the group.  "We need to fan out and search for Chihiro... if I'm correct, the person that has her is extremely dangerous."

Nara's boy was the first to speak.  "Who may have her?"

I racked my brain for an answer.  "His name is Tobi, and he works for the Akatsuki..."

Everyone exchanged worried glances but began to form teams.  I felt eyes behind me and turned, looking into the trees.  Itachi grabbed my hand.  "Don't do anything reckless..."

I frowned and looked at him.  "He's teasing me..."

His eyes were blood red.  "I know..."

I looked past him to my group.  "Aya, Ryo, Hinata group up.  Shisui... with us."

He blinked.  "Really?"

I nodded.  "I have a feeling we'll find her first..."  I still felt someone watching from the trees and scanned them again.  "The man we are looking for has an orange spiral mask and one eye.  You'll recognize it... he possesses the Sharingan."

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