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The week passed by in a flash as I aced each trial. The rumors about me forging evidence only got worse with each passing day. But to me all that matters to me is get the defendant guilty and the letters sent every Sunday.

"Even if the whole world turn their back on you, I'd be right here to support you."

I couldn't help but smile rereading the letter. The letters never fail to put me at ease.

It was a beautiful and calm hour. The warm sunlight passed through the windows greeting me good morning. I sat on my bed rereading past letters with Missile beside me sleeping. Nothing could of ruin this moment




Well, except that.

There was knocking that got louder with each second. "Miles Edgeworth, get out this instant!!" Franziska ordered, knocking louder than before.

I open the door to see Franziska looking extremely crossed. "Miles, you know you're far to young to suffer Alzheimers".

"What do you need?" I asked, ignoring Franziska's yammers.

"I can't believe you forgot" Franziska let out a chuckle, and not the nice kind. It's the kind of chuckle that screams out 'are you a fool??'.

Then it strucked me.

Last Sunday when I examined the letters, I noticed how there wasn't an address to my house nor a stamp. I came to a conclusion that the person who wrote them sent them themselves. Both me and Franziska planned a stake out for today to see who has been sending the letters.




We began our stake out and waited outside the gate, hidden. Time passed by and we saw a girl slip the envelope in the mailbox.

"Hey you!" The girl let out a small squeal as Franziska called out for her.

You'd think someone in the right mind would of attempted to run away, but instead the girl curled unto a ball placing her hands on her head. She looked like she was around her early eighteens but yet she dressed up like a 9 year old with her pig tails and a polo under her overalls.

The girl twitched violently as we brought her inside the house for interrogation. Is she really the whose been sending the letters for 11 years?

The girl sat on the living room's couch as Franziska begins the interrogation.

"What's your name?"

"Mm-my name is D-Dae Zee-" Dae stuttered her name on Franziska's demand. It looked a lot like a comedy show with a 13-year-old interrogating someone 5 years older than her.

Franziska pulled out the small blue empty envelope that was used during the previous letters "Well Miss Daisy, do you recognize this?" Dae's twitching got worst but I couldn't tell if it was because Franziska said her name wrong or she was scared.

Dae nodded lightly avoiding eye contact. "Y-yyes I w-wrote all t-the llet-letters. . ?" She constantly tugged her pigtails sounding unsure of her answer.

Something clearly wasn't right.

I thought that maybe I was just disappointed but could she really be the one?

I was kinda hesitant since she was in a pretty twitchy state already. But I decided to press on her statement, "So you know what's written within these letters?"

"O-of course! What are you gonna do? T-ttake me to court?!" Dae answered more assertive than the way she was tugging her pigtails.

The distrust in her words and face was all I needed to know. It became more apparent to me that she wasn't the one. Though it seems that Franziska hasn't realized it yet.

"You don't know what's written in these, do you?" Franziska gave me a look of confusion when I asked.

Dae twitch in silence for a few seconds, I assumed she was looking for a good response to my question. "Wh-what do you m-mean, i-it's the b-black m-mmail isn't it-?"

From Dae's statement it's safe to assume she's never read the letters. She just assume they we're blackmail which is why she's frighten of being caught.

It might be the right time to reveal to her the true intentions of the letters she's been sending. "You've mistaken these love letters as blackmail"

Dae stopped tugging her pigtails and tried to make sense of the situation. She took a big sigh of relief and said, "T-that makes b-better sense. . . No wonder h-he didn't ww-want you to k-know. . . I'm s-sso god-d dam-damn stupid"

I flinched a bit upon hearing Dae's statement. It was not because of her self-deprecation but rather when she refered the writter as a he.

It wasn't long until Franziska caught on and slashed her whip "How dare you lie in the face of a Von Karma!"

"Eep! I-I'm sorry" Despite Dae being the one screaming, it was me who was on the receiving end of the whip.

After regain back my composer I asked Dae, "Can you please tell us what you know?"

She gently nodded in response and said, "Okay I'll tell as much as I can-"





"Every Sunday I would recieve a envelope and inside would be a smaller blue envelope. I recieve the same favor for 11 years. Though there we're some months I was able to take breaks" Dae's stutering disappeared while explaining.

As much as I am thankful for this information, it didn't help figure out who this person was. I asked Dae, "Can you tell us who this person is?"

"I-I'm sorry I-I can't tell you that" I figured her response would be like that.

Dae stood up, ready to leave the room. But upon seeing me disappointed, Dae said, "But I-I can tell y-you t-this he's c-currently studying in I-Ivy Unive-ssity"

Ivy University? That school is just in this town. Why bother going to extreme lenghts to contact me?

"I see thank yo-"

"Wait- if ever you d-do find o-ut who it is, please don't try to cut t-ties with him. This was t-the only way he could of kept in t-touch with you- a-and it would really hurt him-" Dae sounded as if she was in breaking point.

"I understand Miss Dae. Don't worry I would hurt him"

And so the Case of the Secret Admirer continues on.

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