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Just a few hours ago me and Franziska discovered a strange factor of my secret admire's letters, they are written with erasable pens. Aside from that, we discovered that some parts of the letter were made invisible.

The two of us went back to the freezer to retrieve the plastic zip-lock bag that contained the letters. We popped the sheets of paper out and read them out.

Just like what I hypothesize, the letters had an invisible messages that I wasn't able to read.

I don't really know what I was expecting at the time. Did I want to find out who was secret admirer? Even so, how helpful can a few sentences help me?

At the time I kept considering multiple possibilities about what the secret notes may be. Are they simple mistakes? Or we're they there for me to find? Either way I wasn't expecting. . . This

"Remember those Signal Samurai key chains? Do you still have yours?"

"I'll never forget how you helped me out that day, I'll forever be grateful!!"

"What happened? I thought you we're going to be a defense attorney"

"Just wait there Miles, I'll save you just like you did for me"

While reading the once before invisible notes, I felt an awful liminal feeling consuming my stomach. Franziska shuffled around with the letters confused as ever.

"What foolish fool would write such foolishly foolish nonsense!" Franziska burst in anger with the foolish way to possibly ask a non-foolish question.

Unlike my hot headed sister, I knew who exactly who sent the letters and a wave of horrible regret began drown me.

A plethora of memories began flooding in, memories I hoped to forget.











There was a period in my life where I longed to become exactly like my father, a valiant defense attorney. I wanted to defend others who couldn't defend themselves.

And that was exactly what I did years ago.

A small and trivial class trial was held. It was so insignificant to the point I had wiped it of my memory.

My money was apparently "stolen" by one of my classmates and the jury wasn't bending to his will. They constantly pointed and screamed their baseless slander,

"Theif! Just admit it!"

The defendant continued to sob, begging everyone to believe his testimony. Despite the defendant's efforts, the judge began doubting his claims.

"Come on now, just apologize to Miles" with a slightly ticked off tone, the teacher asked for the defendant's confession before announcing a verdict.

It was quite a painful scene to witness. The defendant's face was drenched in tears that was pleading for someone to trust his words. But no mattered how hard he tried, most of his classmates refused to believe him.


Well, I did say 'most'.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, feeling a powerful sense of justice igniting within me.

"You said you didn't do it right?" The young defendant let a small nod in response to my question.

"Then you should keep your head up. Everyone keeps accusing you but they don't actually have any evidence" At that moment, I swore I saw a small spark come out of the boy's eyes.

The jury began their loud chatters, questioning their classmates actions.


"Wasn't it your money that was stolen?"

"Why are you helping him?"

"Who that?"

"We don't need proof!"

"Yeah, I saw him do it!"

I let out a small sigh before I began to make a short explanation on why evidence is important in the court of law.

"Therefore we cannot continue this trial and the defendant will be declared innocent!"

Among the jury, another young boy named Larry Butz decided to speak up in the defense. "Yeah, knock it off already! He already said he didn't do it"

There us two kids stood in the young defendant's defense. After that hell of a trial, the trio became great friends.

On that day, something inspired that young defendant. He wanted to one day return the favor. Till then he would continue to stay by my side.

At the time I didn't think much of it. Mainly because I never asked for something in return, if anything his company already meant to the world to me.

He introduced me to new amazing things and experience that I never gave a second thought. He was even the reason why my pomeranian friend stayed by my side.

I wanted to cherish everyday of our friendship.

So why?

Why did I cut ties with him?

Why do I refuse to answer to his calls?

Why did I try to erase him from my memories that hold so dear to me?

Ah that's right. . .

That was the year when my father disappeared from my life. After my father's death, the Von Karma's took me under their wing. Ever since then my views in life changed.

I started to dislike defense attorneys and for who they stand for. I didn't want more criminals to run away Scot-free like what they did during my father's trial. I wanted to insure justice on those who have done wrong.

Which brings us to who I am today.

A horrible emencing feeling of guilt filled my stomach as I realized a grave mistake I've done.

It made me realize how desperate  the former young defendant must of been just to contact me. Yet I was foolish and selfish enough to ignore him.

S l a s h

I finally snapped back into reality after I recieved a whipping from the 13-year-old. She must of sense something because she scolded me.

"Miles Edgeworth, as my assistant you are required to tell me everything you know!" I was once again nagged by my younger sister and it didn't seem like she's giving up any time soon.

I began explained to her who the possible suspect of this case may be. After retelling my class trial, Franziska's first question was,  "What's his name?"

Trying to muster up the courage, I let out a sigh and said "Phoenix Wright"

And so The Case of the Secret Admirer continues to slowly come to a close.

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