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It was yet again a nice Sunday morning despite that I didn't have much will to get up. I spent most of the night tossing and turning over some futile thoughts.

Last week me and Franziska has discovered my secret admirer's accomplice, Dae Zee. The case continues on as a bigger question arise, who and why would this person go through such a hassle to contact me? And it's a . . . He?

For the first time in a very long time, I didn't want to read the letters. The reason being that, I felt confused. After discovering the gender of my sender, I am overwhelmed with unnecessary feelings.

I wish I could spent this Sunday sleeping in, recovering my lack of sleep. Sadly the world is a cruel mistress who refused my wishes because-


Franziska burst into my room without having the courtesy to knock. On her hand was a white object she was clutching tightly.

"What in the name of foolishly foolish fools is this foolishly foolish prank that only a fooloshly foolish fool would fool over!?!" It wasn't that hard to figure out Franziska was mad.

"What's the matter, Franziska?" I sighed hoping that this conversation would end quickly.

She shoved the white object on my face and said "You see this?"

The white object was a blank sheet of paper that left me in confusion. "Apperently not, because I don't see anything but a blank shee-"

I was once again lashed violently by the 13-year-old. "That's the exactly problem!"

She huffed loudly and walked towards my desk to point at the small cardboard box that normally contains my letters.

"I took one of the letters to photocopy it and when I did, this happened" Franziska once again presented the blank piece of paper.

"Are you certain you didn't just pick up the wrong paper?" Franziska looks at me furiously upon hearing my query.

"I am not like you foolish fool! I, Franziska Von Karma, do not make mistakes" Ignoring Franziska's egotistic comment, I believed her especially since the evidence was sitting right on my desk.

I sighed deeply and began to contemplate whether or not this worth my time.

"Fine" I stood up and walked toward Franziska to take the piece of paper on her hand. I then held it towards the light by my window.

There were small markings and dents of the previous pen-written note but somehow it was erased?

"Franziska you took this to photocopier, right?" Franziska let out a small nod in response to my question which was all I need to find out what happened.

I then went to grab one of my recent letters and rub a small portion against an eraser. The ink began to slowly disappear.

Franziska, in a total state of shock grabbed the letter and examined it, "What in the name of foolish fools is this foolish tarnation?"

I began to explain to her that the notes were written with friction pens. These are special type of pens where the ink will disappear if exposed with heat that can be coming from friction.

As amazing these pens are, their special strength becomes their own weakness because often times exposing it to hot sunlight,or all things alike, will make all your writings disappear.

"What a waste ot time!" Franziska cried throwing the letter back on my desk. I simply let out a small chuckled and tsked.

"And that's where your wrong" Upon my statement, Franziska looked at me with anger and confusion (but mostly anger).

I gave her back the previous letter I used to present my point. In the letter was written.

"My Dearest Miles,
            I'm sorry to hear that you weren't able to make your trial debut yesterday. One day you'll be able to step into the courtroom and the world will know just how great you are. Never forget to keep going, I'll always be here for you.

. . .

With love, your secret admirer"

"I don't see the point you're trying to prove her, Miles Edgeworth" Franziska scoffs, possibly still hurt by my previous statement.

I pointed at the bottom of the body paragraph of the letter. "Notice these dents?"

I explained to Franziska that the sender must of erased it out for a good reason, maybe to not to give out hints of who he is.

"How about we just do this!" Franziska grabbed the letter out of my hand and place the letter against the light to read it out.

To our dismay, she couldn't read a single word since the dents were to faint.

We decided to approach in a different method. We place the recent letters inside ziplock plastic bags and poped them into the freezer. It suprizingly will take some time.

While waiting both me and Franziska decided to wonder off and mind our own business.




After a while Franzika entered my room with Missile on her arms.

"Tada" She presented Missile, who was wearing a small doggie outfit similar to Manfred's.

I stared quietly at my pomeranian friend, with no reaction what so ever. It's not because I disliked it. It's just he looks so adorable and I couldn't find the proper words to describe my tiny heart slowly about to erupt.

Both me and Franziska decided to spend the few moments in silence to appreciate how adorable our pet was.

It wasn't long until Franzika broke he silence and asked, "are you bothered at the fact that your secret admirer is a guy?"

. . .

Was I bothered?

When I first received the letters as a child, I merely thought of them like a close female friend or mother telling me that everything was going to be alright. Never have I ever considered having a non-platonic relationship with the sender.

But how do I feel about this new found information?

Do I feel closer to them?

Am I a little more interested?

Will I ever consider having an intimate relationship with them?

The thoughts that once consumed me last night was beginning to return and was giving me an uncomfortable feeling to my stomach.

"T-to be honest I'm n-not really sure" I quietly admitted.

There was a heavy and eerie atmosphere in the room. Franziska, feeling displeased with the atmosphere, did what she does best.






I was given another painful whip by the 13-year-old. "Stop with this negative attitude!" Franziska nagged.

"A real man's gotta know what he wants! Come on, we still have an investigation to finish, assistant" Franziska quickly stormed out the room.

I let out a deep sigh as The Case of the Secret Admirer continues.

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